m NIIN:',11•CST". —In air report of tit. , .p.arlt of bud
t. there is a tc pogratthical Iiii•lake which makes lioustli tit r i iii-; Lordship ;vas conttasling the btu-al sty le of Mr. with Mr. slaws male civilize-I mode of wart .1... I ..• is tepm oal as t a • : The next. my. Lords. was a nein of a very dill; relit slaitip, for rot hit e.n he more stiongly contrasted math the well-tempeted we limn of the !. le:to:all to ssdiont I have refee led, than the coarse rusty plow of hit assort oe." t.atbstitute it flail" far " plane." and the ittn`,..1:Zn is clear and forcils'es.— Tiaoa. The first trading was obviously the ledst. Theta is some meaning in a rusty plane, lout what stark nonFenow to talk of n rusty fluff/!— Examiner. The word, however, was neither "flail" nor "plane," but blade. The per- fect meaning of "a testy blade9' is obvious enough.—Speetntor.
The following is the Bank of England's account of its average weekly assets and liabilities from the 5th April to the 28th June in- clusive.
Circulation £17,899,000 Securities X27,153,000 I). posits 13,810,000 Bullion 7,362,000