sraca Exeustcor, FRIDAY AFTERNOON'.
We have to notice this week the very unusual circumstance of a rise of ?i per
cent. in the price of Coren.!s in one day. The business recently transacted in the EE,;lish Funds has been on so small a scale, that this variation acquires ;m- pot' oce from its rarity. 'Ibis improvement, connected as it is with the heas ystate of tl money Mai ket, is a c plete refutation of croaking predic- tions m which a certain class of politicians have been indulging. There never has been a time when capital nas more abundant than the present ; all the bankers and huge capitalists being full of money, and anxious to find a secure employment for it at 2 or 3 per cent. interest ; although, from the near ap- proach of the termination of the quarter, it might be supposed that the usual Exchequer payments would cause a slight demand during the few days that must elapse between the payment of the large amounts of revenue in the hands of the District Receivers into the Exchequer, and the reissue of that money to the public in the shape of the Dividend.
The improvement in the price of Consols is in some degree attributable to the
fact of the dealers in Stock having made several speculative sales in anticipa- tion of the effect of the Parliamentary "collision' on public credit : but as the entire rejection of the Municipal Bill has not caused any panic among the Stockholdets,:the jobbers have been compelled to replace Stock at advanced prices. In the Fuleign Market, Spanish Stock has been at one period nearly 1 per cent. below our quotations of last week ; but has recovered its former level, and is now a little above it. The depression was occasioned by some reports of the intended return of General EVAN s and the Auxiliary Legion to England, accompanied, as usual, by rumours of the tread cry of Colt nova, to which the coutinued inaction of that commander appeared to give some consistency. The improvemeut has resulted 11 ona a belief which has become general during the last two days, that negotiations for the withdrawal of Don CA RLOti from the contest either have begun or are about to commence: but we believe that these later rumours rest upon no better grounds than the others.
A new loan for the service of the Government of Portugal has been con-
tracted by Mr. ISAAC i.V0N OsM ID. It is to the extent of 900,0001. Five per Cent. Stock, at the rate of 80 per cent. ; so that the Government i II realize about 700,0001. by the operation. Only 510,000/. of the loan will, he eilculated at present ; the instalments on which are fixed fur the following
periods. 1st 8th July 1836 15 per cent. 2d .. lath Aug. „ 15 ,, 3d 14th Sept. „ 10 „ 4th 14th (let. „ 15 ,, 5th...... 11 th Nov. „ IS ,, tith 25th Nov. „ 10 ,, 80
The Scrip of tine new loan is current at .4 per cent. This transaction has not led to any material thiettlat inn in the prices of the other Portuguese Funds. A demand has within these few days occurred fur the Bonds of the old
Greek Loans, which have hitherto been completely mug leered ; and an improve- ment in price of neatly 10 per cent. has ensued. This advance has been occa- sioned by some reported financial airangements, in which the long-disregarded claims of the English creditms of the Greek Uovernmeut are to be considered with a view to their liquidation.
The South American Stocks have continued firm at previous quotations, with very little do;:ig.
The European Continental Securities are in demand, in consequence of the rise in Consols ; but not at any material advance of price. The Railway Share illarket has been almost neglected ; the passage of some of the bills do ough Parliament not having produced any improvement.
We are glad to tied the view which we last week took of the alleged bill transactions originatiog in Railway Shares is the true one; the Times having been compelled to back out of its assertions on this subject, to which we then Tercel ed. SATIIDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. The Consols have improved per cent. upon yesterday's price, and are firm with little doing. The Foreign alarket is almost in a state of stagnation ; Spanish Bonds are slightly above yesterday's quotations,—the Active Stock being 421 ; the Passive, 12,1 ; and the Deferred, 19,i The Scrip of the New Pm tu- guese Loan is 2; :3% ; while the Greek Bonds of 1825 arc nominally 39 40. The Railway Shares ate almost neglected : the following are the prices of the principal ones. Brighton (Stephenson's), 11 12 ; Southampton, 56; Great Western, 24 25; Greenwich, 5 6; Loudon Junction, A 1; itluckwall, g ,j prem.
SATe RDA Y, FOUR The C11,1■1 Market clqses at the morning's price. The premium upon Ex chequer ;tills Innis improVed 2s. ; having hem 16, and the dosing quotation b ii :g 14 16. The Foreign Funds gene, ally are unaltered ; with the exception of Se.inkli, which are a shade flatter. The New Portuguese Scrip is 21 3 prem. 'file (heel: Bonds, 1825, has. .scan done at 39 and 393, and close at 39 1!). "ilne Railway Shares have been unaltered during the whole of the after- !loco.
Intellig-lice has linen received from Rio Janeiro, bringing seventeen days' later worhiegs of Imperial Brazilian Mines : the produce averaged rlb. of gold per diem, and the prospects are represented as favourable. The price of the Shares has not been affected by this intelligence.
3 per c ent. c shot
ensers Irma 21 per Cents 561 1 Ditto for Aevount 921 j F rctwin 3 per Cents Nen 31 Fur Cent. Anne shut Mexican 5 per Cents. ...... 34 35
India Stork Portaignese 3 per Cents. .... 524
Haul Stock shut Do. R.I.:m.o. 5 per Cent.... :'24 L'adiettuer Bills 1:2, 1 Is. 1,,21. 5 per Cent... 1104
Illg:an 5 per Cents IS34. 5 per Cent... 424 Brazilian 5 per cents `71 i Dino, Deterred 12e z Dal :i per cents. itit I lime, Passive 191 I