Obserrations on the Curiosities rf Nature, by the late W
1.1Am BuRT, Esq., of Ply mouth, is a pos:limnous publication, by the autlior'a nephew, of so inuch as remained of a series of " reflections far every day ill the yter,a On seljt,cts [lastly appro- priate to t he day, and of a moral awl ieligians tendency, instaaina curious facts in nature, customs and their origin, aoa illustrated by notes displaying Initiate investigation el the plata:on:rem of the vegetable and animal oration. The reflective portion of tae work is commonplace teeing!): but the observations of teeere,
hich firm the bulk of the nuttier, are a valuable though un- arraeged cieltribution to natural se:ence. The author shows himself to have been a patient and littelIigihle observer, a ;tad and accurate describer, and in some instances an name h ;Isom's. The very miscellaneous nature of the subjects, and the want of arrangement, preclude as from giving an idea if the contents ;
but we may instance as mutate the most striking for Y. novelty, the observaticus " On the Atmosphere of Marthes," and " Proper Grasses for Animals.-