On the 21st April, at Pernambuco, the Lady of H. Auousros CuWPER, Esq.. her Britannic Majesty's Consul, of a daughter.
On the 12th June, at Copenhagen, the Lady of the Rev. ROBERT &rays/ism ELLis, M.A., of anon.
On the 22d, the Wife of the Rev. lloitace Rice. Rector of Southhill-with-Callingtou. Cornwall, of a daughter.
Go the 24th, at Mattiu Hall, Northumberlaud, Lady Bbscaerr, of a son.
On the 25th, at Paris, the Lady of CHARLES .1. KERMESS Tires, Esq., (late M.P. for
West Somerset,) of a son.
Ontthe 25th, at TerlinesTark, fleas, the Lady of J. M. HANKIE Tanen!, Faq., of a daughter, still.born.
Ou the 2511). at Portland Place, Madame Vase Di WEYER, of a daughter.
On the 26th. at Woburn Palk. Surrey, the Hums. Mrs. LocKE KINO, ore daughter. On the 281h, at Farlington Rectory, Hants, the Wife of the Rev. E. T. Ricitaa es. of a
On the 29th, at the Provost's Lodge, Eton College, the Hon. Mrs. HODGSON, of a daughter.
On the 3011m, at Hertford Street, Mayfair, Mrs. JAMES T. Weirs, of Demerara, of a daughter. On the 30th, at his residence, Cumberland Street, Portman Square, the Lady of the Rai% GEORGE T. PALMER, Or a daughter.
On the 15th June, at Toronto, Canada, Lieutenant-Colonel JAMES Foetuwo, comaud- ing the Forty-third Light Infantry in that garrison, Knight Companion of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order, and second sou of the late William Furlong. Esq., of Wellshot House, Lanarkshire, to Soenis. second daughter of Henry &thou, Esq., late Chief Justice of the Island of Newfoundland.
On the 16th, at Gormanstuu Quote. Mar. E. CORBALLY, Esq., H.P. for the county Meath, to MATILDA, only daughter of Lord Viscount Gormanstuu.
On the 28th, at the Chapel Royal, Tower of Landon, Captain Hopson, Grenadier Guards, yuutlgeSt son of the lute Harrington Hudson, EN., of Bessiugby Yorkshire, SO FRANCES, youngest (laughter of Major Ebriugton, Resident Governor of the Tower of London.
On the 28th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Viscount EMLYN, to the lion. Smarr MARY CAVENDISH, daughter of the Hon. Colonel Cavendish.
On the 28th, at St. George's. Hanover Square, the Earl of DEBART, to Lady Exaranern CAMplIELL, third daughter of the Earl of Cawdor.
On the 29th, at Yarmouth. CHARLES Nontoxic Serrates, Esq., B.C.L., of Colchester. Essex. to ISABELLA, the youuger daughter of Captain Sir Eaton Stannard Travers, R.N.' KM., of Ditchingham Lodge, amid or Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.
At Woodbury. Devon. Captain .1AmEs JACEN0N, sou of Major-General Jackson, to MARY, daughter of the late J. B. Travers, Esq., Madras Civil Service.
On the 2d June, at Paris. the Dutchess of MELFORT, born Baroness Alhertine de Rmberg and Comtesse de Coligni.
On the 20th, at Farley Hospital, Wilts, of scarlet fever, ELEANOR MAGDALENE, in her 24 year; and on the 21st, DuBOTHEA ELIZABETH, in her 6th year, daughters of the Rev. Newtou Smart.
On the idd, at Paris, SLiaosexivs, Wife of John George, eldest son of Sir William Temple Pole, Bart.. of Shute House, Devon; in her 14th year. On the 25th, at Taplow_ Hill, RuBERT Hum, Req.; in his 81st year. On the 26th, at Petersham, Mrs. ELIZABETH WALPOLE ; in her 84th year. On the 26th. at his house in Bedford Square, the Right Hon. Sir JOsEPH I.rert.sost,s, late one of the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench; in has 75th year. On the 27th. at Connaught Place West, Hyde Park, Hams Joees, Esq., of Larkhill,
near Liverpool.. banker; his 66th year.
On the 2811, at Hutton Lodge, near Mallon, the seat of H. B. Darley, Esq., the Right Hon. Lord James N. B. II. TuWasHEND, of Yarrow House, in the county of Norfolk, youngest son of George First Marquis Townshend, Captain R. N. K.C.H., and one of the vid Aides-do Camp to her Majesty the Queen; iti his bath year. On the 29d1, at Grosvenor Square, the Right Hun Sir WILLIAM ALEXANDER. of Airdrie, N.B., formerly Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer; in his 881h year. On the atith„ at Longtord Hall, one of his seats in Derbyshire, THOMAS WiLLIAM COKE, Earl of LEICESTER; in his Slat year.
Ou the 30th, at Rutland (.1-ate, JANE Countess Dowager of Galloway; in her 6th year. On the 30th, at his lather's house, Sion Hill, Ramsgate, liesav. second son of Ed- ward, Dixon, Faq.„ Surgeon; in his 20th year.
At Hughenaen House, Sir W LAWIIENCE Youso, Bert., M.P. for Buckinghamshire.
At Liverpool; PETER SMITH, Esq., Staff Surgeon; in his nal year. his death Was occasioued by intlammatury fever produced by a punctured wound of the fiugerg received Whilst examining a body in the Military Hospital. The Rev. W. LIOWELL, of Knaresburough, ludepeudent Minister of that town more thau half a century ; in his 90th year.