Arrived-At Gravesend, June 25th. Courier. Scott. from the Cape; Wasdale, M'Kenzie, from Mauritius; Mary Richardsou. Bailey; and Gleaner. GOA, from Ben- gal ; 26th. Stains Castle, Petrie, from China; 27th, Sarah Mills, Carr, from Mauritius; .Union. Webster, from Bombay ; Samuel Winter, Jeges, from China; 28th, Rebecca Jane, Valtent; and Spartan, Torbert, Mounties; Africa, Baxter; and Guiana, Hill, from Moulmeiu; Esther, Sharp, from Bengal; 29th. Garland Grove. Forward, from Manilla; Sophia, John. (torn China; Pomona, Smith • Zeutiqilar, King; and Gates- head Park, Gladsou, from Bengal; 30th, Oliva. Lome. from the Cape; Ann, Howie, from Bengal ; and Pesten" Bomaniee, West, from China. At Bristol, 24th, Mary Marsdeo, -, from Mauritius. At Liverpool. 25th, Fraukland, Christie, from Bengal ; Charles Eyes, Moss, from Ceylon ; 27th, Hivatio, Mawsou; and Aobutsfurd, Mositop, from Beugal ; 29th. Bencoolen, Culdbeck, from China ; and Harvest Home, Heren, from Bengal. At Cork, 24th, Psyche, Somerville, from Singapore ; Spencer, Birckett. from the Cape; and 27th, Rajah. Fergussun. from t: ham. At St. Helena, April 29th, Clarendou, Grata. from Bombay; aeth, Cypress Farmer, (tom Bengal; May 4th, Clansman. Spencer, from Bombay ; earl 8th, Sarah Scott, Black. from Bengal. At Mauritius, March 8th, William Lockerby, Braithwaite, from Liverpool; and 20th, Falcon, Anstruther. from Londou. la-Leith Roads. Juue 2ath, Mary Louisa. Miller, from Beugal.
Sailed - From Gravesend, June 24th. Dolman, Graves for Bengal; Harmony-, Elder, for Bombay ; and 28th, Alexander Baring,' Hale, fur China. From Liverpool, 30th, James Matheson, Branscomb, fie China; and Nile, Anderson, for Ceylou.