Turner and Lenox, Mark Lane, Customhouse-agents-Fry and Co. Liverpool, tea- brokers ; as far as regards W. Fry-Draper and Trendall, Great Percy Street. Arnwell Street, clock-makers-Kipling and Taylor, Wood Street, warehousemen-Smith and Co. King Street, Snow Hill, engravers; as far as regards J. Smith-Baylis and Freeth, Birmingham, pearl button manufacturers-Ridgway and Co. Stoke-upon-Trent, china- manufacturers-Avery and Parker, Friday Street, warehonsemen-Riuldock and Silke„ Nether Steamy, Somersetshire, surgeons-Jackson and Johnson, John Street, Adelphi. Mtornies-Black and Armstrong. Wellington Street North, booksellers-Greening and Co. Bedford. wire.drawers-Willts and Hadow, Bush Lane, wine-merchants-Gaskell and Co. Charuock Richard. Lancashire, coal-masters ; as far as regards Gaskell- Pochin Boyer, Ibstock. Leicestershire, farmers-Vyse and Barron. Holbeach. surgeons -Meyer and Clark, Bedford Street, Covent Garden. gold-lacemen-Woolridge and 'Southall, Wednesfield Heath, Staffordshire, miners-Sykes and Hartley, Aldam Mill, Barnsley, cormmillers-Angas and Miller. Jeffrey's Square, merchants-Smith and rdeggy. Roll's Buildings, engravers-Thomas and Co. Rochester, cabinet-makers- tlyterlimmege and Borst, Liverpool, merchants-Atkinson and Maddison, Middles- brough. Yorkshire, joiners- Booker and Wright, Lento's. Nottinghamshire, lace-manu- facturers-Stone and Wakefield, Birmingham, wire-workers-The Dee Batik Forge Company; as far as regards Henry and Howell-Osborn and Martins, Newgate Market, meat-salesmen-Goma and Williams, Jermyn Street, cabinet-makers-S. and N.
Smallpage. Burnley, drapers-W. and W. Bartholomew, Pavement, Fiusbury, hearth- rug-mannfacturers; as far as regards W. Bartholomew.
BARBOUR, awns. and Nomus, Sons, AitR
Liverpool, soap-manufacturers, June 24, Arm JOITN SFARX. East Herrington. Durham. cattle-salesman, to surrender July 20, Aug. 9: solicitors. Messrs. Meggison and Co. King's Road. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Kidsou and Son, Suuderland. Do7.LniseN, JOHN, South Melton Street, packinmease-malcer. July 3. Aug. 9: solici- tors. Messrs. Hoppe and Co. Sun Court, Coruhill; official assiguee, Mr: Pennell, Basinghall Street.
Rarer, GEORGE Eserms, Pimlico, merchant, July 5. Aug. 9 : solicitor. Mr. Bodmen, Queen Street. Cheapside ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. Basingball Street. Fzoon, Joins, Dean Street. Westminster, surgeon, July 5. Aug. 9: solicitors. Watson' and Wix, Great Winchester Street; official assignee. Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street. HOLLAND. JOHN. Chipping Wycombe. banker. July 8, Aug. 9: solicitor. Mr. Smith, Golden Square; official assignee. Mr. Gibson. Basinghall Street.
HtlesON JOHN and Soon, Swallow Place, Hanover Square. currier', July 7. Aug.9 : solicitor, Mr. Rosser, New Boswell Court ; official assignee. Mr. Pennell Basinghall Street. HOSKINS, JAMES, Croscombe. Somersetshire. baker. July 12, Aug. 9: solicitors, Mr. Whitaker. Gray's Inn; and Messrs. Robins and Hobbs, Wells. HUMpHREY, THOmAs and THOMAS. Kingston-upon-Hull, shipwrights. July 9. Aug. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Hicks and Morris. Gray's Inn; and Mr. Holden, Hull. JANES, THMISS. Hockliffe, Bedfordshire. farmer, July 11. Aug. 9: solicitor, Mr. Wright. Gray's Inn; official assigueu. Mr. Turquand. Copthall Buildings. OTLEY, MARY, Br. James's Street. milliner, July 9, Aug. 9 : solicitor, Mr. Donne. Broad Street Buildings; official assignee. Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane. STEAMS. Roemer and RICHARD. Coventry. riband-manufacturers. July 4. Aug. 9: so- licitors. Messrs. Austen and Hobsou, Gray's Inn; and Messrs. Troughton and Lea, or Mr. Wilmot, Coventry. WOODMAN, Tnosios, Great Billington. Bedfordshire, farmer. July 5. Aug. 9: soli- citors, Mr. Day. Hemel Hempstead; and Messrs. Dyne, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee. Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. WILLIAMS, THOMAS. Bristol. tailor. July 4. Aug. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Poole and Gamlen, Gray's Inn; and Messrs. Livett. Bristol. DIVIDENDS.
July 21, Cannabee, Camberwell. bookseller-July 21, Harrison, High Holborn, ironmonger-July 21. Gamauf, Fetter Lane, wholesale furrier-July 23. Carter. New- castle-upon-Tyne. ironmonger-July 19. Williams. Pwlheli. Carnarvonshire, linen- draper-Aug. 1, Jackson, Birmingham, timber-merchant-July 19, Colliuson. Wake. field, boat-builder-July 19. J. T. and S. Major. Poole, upholsterers-July 13, Bed- ford, Hunslet Moorside. Yorkshire, cudbear-manufacturer-July 26. Wiclasam. Bris- tol, linendraper -July 20, Bonner, Thame. Oxfordshire. furniture-broker-July 20, Masser, Kensington, near Liverpool, common-brewer-July 29. Gidden, Farringdom, Berkshire, licensed-victualler-July 26. Morris, Newport, Monmouthshire. CSRTIFICATES
Ti, be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, mar before July 19,
G. A. and 13. J. Thompson. Wylam. Northumberland. ironfounders-Brown, Shef- field. merchant-Sloane, York. linendraper -Hancock , Earl Street, Blackfriars. coal- merchant-Pyne. Crooked Lane Chambers. provision-merchant-Stringer, Great Yar- mouth, wine-merchant.
SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS, Mrrceera., JAMES, Paisley. dyer, July 6.29. Moss, Ions THGWAS. Dundee. grocer. July I. Aug. 5. Peounroov, JAM Es. Mucklaree. Perthshire. farmer, July 2, 30. STAMM, Dorm, Inverness, painter, July 8, 29.
Friday, July 1.
Kelvev jun. and Foord jun. Lanham Kout, treed-merchants-Leaman and Snewin. Back Hill, Hatton Garden, timber merchants-Collins and Green. Bath. woollen- drapers-Horslev and Cave. Southampton. dealers in gless-Simpson and Newell,
Bradford, Yorkshire. linebdrapers -I . and A. Aldred, Ilkeston. Derbyshire. lace edg. iugsmanufaceurers-Fisher and Rouse. Islington, tavern-keepers-Lewis and Phillips.
Abergavenny. brewers-Meek and Britteti. Cateaton Street. Blackwell Hall factors- Johnstone and Perrit. Walurook, teadeaters-Massingloon and Meen, Hackney Road Cresemit, boot-makers-Chedzoy and Cu. Sidney Street. Mile End Road. wine-coopers -Alleu.and Spturell. Mile End, surgeons-Harley and Co. Bristol. iron-merchants - M. and W. Gardner. Oxford Street. hosiers-Morris and Herbert, Liverpool, carriers -Whiting junior and Co. Princes Street. Lambeth, starch-manufacturers; as far as re- gards M. Whiting junior-Walkinshaw and Co. Leadenliall Street, oil-merchants; as far as regards J. Walkiushaw-Morris and Co. Leadenhall Street, oil-merch:ents ; as far as regards T. S. Morris-W. and J. Head, Seaton. Devonshire, merchants-Gard- ner and Co. Preston, cotton-spinners ; as far as regards W. Crankshaw junior - Tomes and Handley. Warwick, coal-merchants-Dunks and Stocker. Wednesbury. patent shombill-company-Richardsou and Lambert. Limehouse. eimber-merchouts- Gisborne and Co. Loudon, calico-printers; as far as regards H. P. Gishorne-Bushell and Co. Bristol, merchants -Hooke and Varty, Strand. publishers-Wrigley and Co. Budge Row. paper-manufacturers-Rooke and Co. Manchester, chemists-J. and J. D. Moore, Liverpool, merchants. INsoLvENT.
DABBY, CHARLES MASSEy, Regent Street. printer, June 30. BANKRUPTCIEs suFERsEDED.
STRAcHAN, ARTHUR. Friday Street. Warehouseman. WOOD, JoSEIM, and HoWARD, JOHN, Leeds, merchants. HAMKRUPTs.
AcRAmAN, DANIEL WADE, aud Co. Bristol, ship-builders, Co surrender July 19. Aug. 12: solicitors. Messrs. atakioson and Sanders. Temple; and Mr. Haberfiehl, Bristol, AMissuir. DANIEL WADE. and Co. Bristol, merchants. July 12, Aug. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Blower and Vicar,!, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Heaven, Bristol. Aran, Jong STARK, East Herrington. Durham, cattlesalesman, July 20, Aug. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Meggison and Co. King's Road, Bedford Road ; and Messrs. Knison and Son. Sunderland.
Coos, JOSEPH, Dewsbury, draper. July 12, Aug. 12: solicitor, Mr. Ashurst, Cheap- side ; official assignee, Mr. Lackington. Coleman Street Buildings. DOLLINGWOOD. ANTHONY. Foley. Staffordshire, malester, July 14, Aug. 12: solicitors, Mr. Dean, Essex Street, Strand; and Mr. Warrillow. Longton Potteries. CUALIC, GEORGE, Castlenau Barnes, Surrey, builder, July 11. Aug. 12: solicitors, Canton and Co. Chancery Lane; ofiicial assignee. Mr Graham. Basinghall Street. Dow, ANTHONY WILLIAM GORGES. and BicHMorro, WILLIAM, Liverpool, vinegar-ma- nufacturers, July 12. Aug. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row; and Messrs Lowndes and Co. Liverpool. MORALE, THOMAS, Manchester. grocer. July18. Aug. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple ; and Mr. Hitchcock, Manchester.
FAIRCLoMM. GEoRGE FREDERICK, Liverpool, money-scrivener, July 13, Aug. 12: So- licitors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett'. Buildings, Holborn ; Mr. Norris. Liverpool. FOSTER. Morresw, Crosby Hall Chambers, merchant. July 8, Aug. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Webb. Albany ; official assignee. Mr. Johnson, Itasinghall Street. Howoati. Monet., Swallow Street. victualler. July 11, Aug. 12: solicitors. Mr. Helmer, Bridge Street. Southwark ; official assignee. Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street. Lorros, JOSEFII. Leeds. truit-merchaut. July 13, Aug. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Brown and Co. Minciug Lane; and Messrs. Payne and Co. Leeds.
SARGENT, GEoRGE. Battle, liueudraper, July 12, Aug. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Reed Shaw, Friday Street, Cheapside. DIVIDENDs.
July 25. Dixon and Taylor, Huddersfield, merchants-July 25. Adams, George Street, Spitalfields. feather-merchant-July 25. Graydon, St. Ann's Place, Limehouse, ship- chandler-July =, Marshall. Birchin Lane, merchant-July 25, Potts, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, grocer-July 27, N. I. and B. Butler. Painswick. Gloucestershire, clothiers- July 29. Travis, dreenacresmoor, Lancashire, grocer-Griffiths, Lime Street, wine- merchant-July 25, Axmann and Christ. Mark Lane, merchants. CERTIFICATES
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on or before July 22.
Mills. Heywood, imnfounder-Watt, Liverpool, merchant -Houusfield. Mulches- ter, commission-merchant - Styan, Great Tower Street, tea-broker - Williams and Neville. Birmingham. factora-Read. Worcester, wine-merchant-Jenkins. Haverford- west. auctioneer-Crosby au,! Co. Houndsditch. hardwaremen-Heward. Weltham. Cross, mukeeper-Hawarden and Co. Little Bolton, cotton-cluth-mauufacturers. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
BAXTER. JAMES, Dundee, manufacturer. July 4, 25. Nov. WILLIAM, and Ootzvv, DHARLEs, Lerwick, merchants, July 6, 26.
51•131AsTER. ANTHONY, Stanraer. tanner. July 6,27. BOY, WILLIAM, Clayton, grazier, July 7, 28.