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THE occupations of the Court have varied little from the ordinary rou- tine this week.
The Queen held a Court and Privy Council on Wednesday. At the Court, addresses of congratulation were presented by the Bishop of London and the Clergy of London and Westminster, by Lord Mayor O'Connell and the Corporation of Dublin, and by the Three Denomi- nations of Protestant Dissenters. Ali Ben Nasser, the Envoy of the Imaum of Muscat, had an audience. At the Council, the Queen gave audiences to Sir Robert Peel, the Earl of Aberdeen, and Lord Wharn- cliffe.
The Queen gave an audience to the Right Honourable J. Nichol, Judge-Advocate General, on Tuesday. The Duke and Dutchess of Buccleuch prepared a splendid dejenner at Montagu House on Tuesday, at which the Queen and Prince Albert were present, with the King and Queen of the Belgians and the Dutchess of Kent. Among the company were the Doke and Dutchess of Cam- bridge, Prince George, and Princess Augusta, the Dutchess of Glou- cester, and Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar. Almost all the Ambassa- dors in town, and a great number of distinguished persons, joined the party. The Queen and her Royal friends arrived at a quarter before five. The Duke had a regatta: he gave a parse of sixty sovereigns to be rowed for by eight pairs of oars. The breakfast was laid out in the garden on the banks of the river ; and the boats and the music of a military band entertained the assemblage ; which broke up soon after the departure of the Queen, about seven o'clock. The Queen and Prince Albert, with the King and Queen of the Belgians, and a select party, were entertained on Thursday evening by the Dutchess of Gloucester The Master of the Horse, the Lord Steward, and the Lord Chamberlain, were ready to receive the Queen at the entrance of Gloucester House ; and the Dutchess met her illus- trious guests in the hall. The Dutchess of Kent, the Duke and Dutchess, Prince George, and Princess Augusta of Cambridge, were present. The visiters were conducted to one of the principal state- rooms ; and in an adjoining room some of the nobles and gentlefolks present performed a series of tableaux, of which the subjects were Lalla Rookh, Marino Faliero before the Council of Ten, group from Pinelli, Bride of Lammermoor, scene from Sir Charles Grandison, Vice, Novice, Finale "God save the Queen."
The same party from Buckingham Palace went, with the Dutchess of Kent, to the German Opera on Monday ; and, without the Dutchess, to the Italian Opera on Tuesday. Yesterday, they visited the Queen Dowager, at Bushy ; and went to the Huguenota at Covent Garden Theatre in the evening. The Dinchess of Kent also visited the Queen Dowager yesterday. The King and Queen of the Belgians received the Diplomatic Corps, at Buckingham Palace, on Saturday. Their Majesties visited the Dutchess of Kent on Sunday.
Sir William Ross has been painting portraits of the King and Queen of the Belgians, for Queen Victoria.
The Queen Dowager and the Dutchess of Saxe Meiningen came to town from Bushy Park on Saturday morning ; and shortly after- wards they went to visit the Queen and Prince Albert and the King
and Queen of the Belgians, at Buckingham Palace. Queen Adelaide and the Dutchess returned to Busby on Thursday. The Duke of Saxe Meiningen and Prince Edward, with Prince George of Cambridge, fol- lowed yesterday. The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, Prince George, and Princess Augusta, visited Mr. Dunn's Chinese Collection on Saturday.
The Queen Dowager has given 10/. to the fund for enlarging Felix- ton Church, Suffolk ; 10/. to the Canterbury Dispensary ; 20/. towards defraying the erection of a new church at Northampton ; and 20/. to liquidate the expense of repairing and enlarging Norbury Church, Derby.