The French telegraph conveys the following news brought by the
Indian mail, which reached Marseilles on the 29th-
" On the 16th, General Pollock joined Sir Robert Sale at Jellalabad, reesta- blishing on his march the authority of Thorabaz Khan Sullpora. He was to march on Cabalas soon as he was joined by Colonel Boulton. General Eng- land had reunited his troops, forced the passes, and joined General Nett at Candahar. Captain *Kenzie had arrived at Jellalabad, with offers from Akbar Khan to release his prisoners on conditions. The answer was not known. General Elphinstone died on the 23d April. "China news is of the 19th April. On the 10th March, the Chinese, 10,000 or 12,000 strong, tried to retake Iiingpo, while another force attacked Clung- has. In both instances they were repulsed, with considerable loss."