2 JULY 1853, Page 20


On the 15th June, in Hampton Terrace, Hampstead Road, Mrs. J. Cunmper, of three daughters.

On the 24th, in Ebury Street, the Hon. Mrs. Deland Ashley, of a son.

On the 24th, at Saltford Rectory, near Bath, the Wife of the Rev. George James Hill, of a daughter. On the 24th, at Abernant House, Aberdare, the Wife of Richard Fotherg,ill, Msg., of a daughter. On the 25th, at Frittendon, Lady Harriett Moore, of a son.

On the 26th, in Whitehall Place, the Wife of W. Seymour Vesey Fitzgerald, Esq., M.P., of a son.

. On the 27th, the Wife of the Rev. Edward BaMes, Rector of Bluntisham, Hunts, of a daughter. On the 27th, at Williamstrip Park, Gloucestershire, the Lady of Sir Michael nicks Beach, Bart., of a daughter.

On the 28th, at St. James's Palace, the Hon. Mrs. Charles Grey, of a daughter. On the 30th, at her residence, Rutland Square, Dublin, the Wife of Edmund Burke Roche, Esq., 111.P., of a son.


On the 9th June, at the Garrison Church, Corfu, Robert William Lowry, Esq., Captain of H.M. Forty-seventh Regiment, to Emily Rohesia, daughter of H. E. Sir H. G. Ward, Lord High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands. On the 221, at Market Bosworth, Evan Herbert Lloyd, Esq., of Feeney Hall, Salop, to Emily Juliana Dixie, youngest daughter of Sir Alexander Dixie, Bart., of Bosworth Park, Leicestershire.

On the 270, at St. Peter's, Woodmansterne, the Rev. Francis R. Crowther, 51.A., Head Master of the Diocesan School, Lincoln, to Anna Louisa, younger daughter of the late Joseph Francis Bessy, Esq., of her Majesty's Exchequer. On the 23d, at Norton Church, Derbyshire, Henry St. John Helloed, eldest son of Sir Henry Halford, Bart., M.P., of Wiston Hall, Leicestershire, to Elizabeth Ursula, second daughter of the late William John. Bagshawe,tEsq., of The Oaks, and of Wonnhill hall, Derbyshire.

On the 25th, at St. George's Bloomsbury, Auguste de Holtorp, to Eliza, youngest daughter of the late Charles Danvers, Esq., of borset Square.

On the 28th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, John Morgan Edwardes, youngest son of the late Humphrey Rowlands Jones, Esq., of Garthwyl Hall, Montgomery- shire, to Harriet, eldest daughter of Sir William Clay, Bart., M.P., of Hertford Street, May Fair, and Fuiwell Lodge, Twickenham.

On the 28th, at Temple Balsall, Warwickshire, by the Rev..1. H. Short, assisted by the Rev. John Couchman, the Rev. Boteler Chernocke Smith, of Bolas, Shrop- shire, to Selina Sarah, youngest daughter of the late Henry Couchman, Esq.

On the 30th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Hastings Dent, Esq., formerly of the Coldstream Guards, son of the late John Dent, Esq., M.P., to the Lady Beau- jolais Bury, only daughter of the late, and sister of the present Earl of Charloille. On the 30th, at St. James's, Westminster, Sir Henry Mervyn Vavasour, Bart., of Spaldington, Yorkshire, to the lion. Louisa Anne Neville, second daughter of Lord Braybrooke. On the 30th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, by the Venerable Archdeacon Waring, Captain George D. Warburton, Royal Artillery, to the Honourable Augusta E. B. Hanbury.


On the 21st June, in Cumberland Street, Portman Square, Miriam, only daughter of Lady CongIcton; in her 25th year. On the 22d, at Bradbourne Park, Kent, Captain Twisden, R.N. On the 25th, at Ileathfield House, Kew, Walter Boding Deverell, Esq., Secretary to the Department of Practical Art; in his 53d year. On the 25th, in Nottingham Place, the Venerable Benjamin Bailey, D.D., Arch- deacon of Colombo ; in his 62d year. On the 25th, at the Rectory, Warnford. Hants, the Rev. Richard Hume Lan- caster, Rector of Warnford ; in his 80th year. On the 25th, at Hampstead, the Rev. Charles Holworthy, Vicar of Bourn, Cam- bridgeshire ; in his 89th year. On the 26th, at the Grove Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, John Hugh SmythPigott, Esq., of Brockley Hall, in the same county. • On the 28th, at Gosford House, East Lothian, the Earl of Wemyss and Match. On the 28th, iu Great Stanhope Street, Henrietta Emily Mary, eldest claug,hter of Earl and Countess Cowper; in her 16th year. On the 28th, at Christ Church, Oxford, Godfrey Faussett, D.D., of lieppington, Kent, Margaret Professor of Divinity, and Canon of Christ Church ; in his 73d year.