Sir W. M. James, Vice-Chancellor, has been appointed Lord -Justice
of Appeal, and Mr. F. Bacon, Q.C., the Chief Judge in Bankruptcy, is„,,appointed Vice-Chancellor. He will, in addition, perform all the duties of his new post. The arrangement saves money, but we must say seems to us inconvenient as well as 'economical. Judges, of all men, should not be harassed to death by over-wbrk, and we question the wisdom of cutting down the few prizes of a profession which, after all, secures good law 'without expense to the State. What is the saving of £1,000 a year compared with the saving to the country which an unem- barrassed Chief Judge in Bankruptcy might effect, merely by looking into cases a little more closely than he can now afford time to do? The Treasury is giving us splendid budgets, but a budget instead of justice is like a stone instead of bread.