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Lord Rosebery on Saturday last made an unusually decided speech to a great audience of miners assembled for a festival in the grounds of Lord Durham's residence, Lambton Castle. He declared that this Government, "with its wrigglings and doublings about Fiscal Reform" and many other dodgings, was a " hanky-panky " Government—the phrase is Romany, and means properly "sleight of hand "—which existed only for the satisfaction of Mr. Chamberlain till he was ready to start the battle. Everything, said Lord Rosebery amidst cheers, would be dearer under Protection, and even that was not its worst result. It would introduce powerful and corrupt- ing interests which would be a curse to the national life, and which, said Lord Rosebery, it is clear from the Licensing Bill, are already favoured by this Government. The Bill will enormously increase the wealth of an already wealthy class. This mass of wealth will be thrown into the scales against the Liberal party, and under Protection "there will be scores of interests all demanding that their products shall be subject to a heavy import-duty, and making their hands lie heavy on the Government that refuses them." The men of Durham must do their utmost to dismiss "this sinister Government," and call to power the Liberal party, which is "anxious and ready with an overpowering mass of ability on its benches to serve its country and its King."