A SERIES of Holiday Tours to Canada have been arranged this year by the Canadian Pacific Railway, which continue through the summer until late September at " all-in fares. Seventeen of these tours are from three to seven weeks in duration. There are several twelve-day inclusive tours in the ' Empress of Britain,' by which ship it is possible to make the double Atlantic crossing and spend two days in Quebec. A number of longer holidays visit Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Niagara Falls and French River. For those who wish to visit the United States there are tours including New York, Washington and Chicago. The " Across Canada " tours give opportunities of extending the holiday to Winnipeg, Cal- gary, the Rocky Mountains, and Vancouver and Victoria on the Pacific Coast.
The Blue Star Line have a very attractive cruise to the Northern capita's on August 14th. The cruise lasts 20 days, and visits are paid to Norway, Sweden, Danmark, Finland, Estonia, Danzig, Kid Canal and
Germany. The distance steamed is 3,364 miles, and the fare is from 34 guineas. During July and August the Cunard White
Star Line have a number of cruises by Lancsistria,' from London. There will be two thirteen-day cruises in July, the first to Norway, and the second to Norway and the Northern capitals. The third cruise from London is a six days' August holiday cruise to Copenhagen and Hamburg by way of the Kid Canal. This is an ideal cruise for people who can take only a short holiday.
The Yeoward Line have regular cruises from Liverpool to Lisbon, Morocco, Madeira, C-annry Islands and the Azores of from 16 to 24 days at prices from 17 guineas. The ships are very comfortable and are to be recommended.
A delightful Cruise of the Mediterranean by S.Y. Paris ' begins on September 4th. The holiday covers 21 days, the yacht travel- ling along the Dalmatian Coast to Turkey and the Grecian Isles. Since these waters are accessible only to small vessels the cruise has special attractions denied to larger ships. Fares, which include rail between London and Venice, from 29 gns. to 63 gns. Further particular.; are available from Handris- Archipelago Express-Line, Ltd., 24 Ryder Street, London, S.W.I. Cruising by cargo liners is becoming more and more popular. Two firms are to be recommended for this type of cruising : Messrs. Galbraith Pembroke and Co., Ltd., of to South Molton Street, London, W. r, and Messrs. Elders and Fyffes, Ltd., 31-32 Bow Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C. 2. The latter offer round voyages to Jamaica and Bermuda at reduced rates between May and September from £45. This firm offers a return voyage to Jamaica, six days at the Myrtle Bank Hotel, and three days motor tour for £60. There are a selec- tion of other cruises all of which are good value. Messrs. Galbraith Pembroke, in addi- tion to their usual service, are now offering cruises on four new motor ships specially equipped to carry a limited number of passengers, in no case more than twelve. The accommodation in these ships bears comparison with first-class in the best passenger liners. The ports of call are, generally speaking, the Eastern Mediter- ranean, and Black Sea, the round voyage occupying seven weeks, for which the inclusive fare is 42 guineas. There are millings by these motor ships once or twice every month.
A number of interesting tours have been arranged by the Waldorf Travel Seivice, Ltd., of 64 Victoria Street, London, S.W. z. There is, for instance, a " Grand Alpine Motor Tour " of sixteen days which costs £24 xis., leaving on July 31st. The tour is through six countries, and takes in the best of the Alpine scenery. Another tour departs on the same date for Prague, Vienna,
Budapest and Belgrade : the holiday occupies 23 days and costs £32 los. There are many other and less costly tours, particu- lars of which will be sent on request.