[A prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opens- Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be receivec not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes con- taining solutions must bear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.]
ACROSS t. You certainly can't do this if you are heavy-handed. to. You will get no back-talk from this servant.
14. Thousand in combination with 25.
15. Chaff-but the cook wouldn't think so.
17. rev. " And pulpit, drum
ecclesiastick, Was beat with . . instead of stick."
19. rev. Lived 1265-1321.
20. Sounds like an agreeable rock.
21. What is dismal-looking might very well wish it !
22. rev. See 29.
23. A practical joke takes place a little before midday in this place.
25. See 14.
26. He certainly did not suffer from insomnia.
28. " . . . , like moths, are ever caught by glare."
31. Pre-eminent person.
32. Arabic notation.
33. See 4. DOWN 1. Makes one of the apostles easily excited.
7. I ride a lot (anag.).
3. Pork at 2IS. ?
4. rev. & 33. Giver of illusory benefits. 5. My first is unchecked in 9, my second in 24.
6. The best one can do.
7. rev. Tin-foil with 3o.
8. See 27.
9. A remainder is not right to be over what is not under. xi. Shop selling wine only.
12. This is always driven by a facetious person.
13. This ball always has an exclusive finish.
16. rev. Dies languidly away.
17. rev. " Seest thou a man wise in his own . . . ? there is more hope of a fool than of him."
18. rev. A useless state for the pen to be in.
24. rev. Physical force.
27. See with 8.
29. In the centre of Piccadilly with 22.
30. rev. See 7.