The celebrated air, " Non piit mesta," from ROSSINI'S opera
La Cenerentola, arranged as a Duet for the Pianoforte, by J. F. BURROWES.
This is the concluding air and chorus of the Cenerentola, which has been rendered so popular by the singing of Mrs. WOOD and Miss IN- VERARITY at the English Theatres, and of Madame CINTI at the Opera-house. In the arrangement of it, Mr. BURRoWES has faithfully adhered to the text; and has consulted the ease of the performer by transposing it from the key of E to that of D. Such things as this are very useful in forming the taste of young players, by making them familiar with graceful vocal Melody—an ingredient in which much of the pianoforte music of the day is sadly deficient.