Arrived—At Gravesend. May 27t11. Eagle, Patterson; anti Calvpso. Smith, from Malan Ms. Off Itorismout It, .1 tine 1st, Pal nod ha, ---, front ditto. 'At Cork. 23d. Ice Itonertsom from t ;dila ; and Kersewell, I lasoell, flora Mauritius. At Liter. pool. :26:14 John Knox, Thompson. hom Bombay ; out '41.11„ Fatima, Fethers, from tteogal. at M. Helene, April 711., Alexander, itamsay from lieugal ;ujati Lttly Flora, Foot, from Nladras 1 and tiener 1 Kyr!, Fiord, from China ; lOth. Mauaret, canny. nom slug:more ; Argyle. Satalys; rout Isabel. tunes. from China. 'harm. Junior, smolders. limn Maeras. Elora. Blair, ftum Bombay ; and llth, Lady M•itiaghten. Ibistwick. front China. At the Cape, 'names. Willie; and Bland, Calico, from Bengal. Sailed — From Gravesend, May 2501, Alex. Baring, S. Croix. fur China a 27th. Cattle. nine, Rose. tar Madras; 30th, China. Biddle, for limn:AI; and 31st, Sir E. Paget, Campbell, for Botnbay. From Lmerpoul, 25;lt, atculm, Sim, for Bata; ia ; Sunda, Greig. for Bengal ; ,a0.1 Ilermileatt. Grinduit. tor Bombay; 2601, Blakely, Ilutun I. tor bengal; and 296, Jupiter, Kau.say, for Bombay.