Some Of the journalisfte carifidg on a controversy respecting the
size and form of the Parliame:ntary and official Blue Books, of which a third variety has just appeared. There is the folio; the old octavo, in which, for example, the Poor-law Commissioners have reprinted their reports; and the new .squarish octavo of the report on Quarantine by the Board of Health. The Post-spoke of the last with great contempt, for its want of dignity in bulk. The Times defends it, as costing 20 per cent leas both in paper and printing—equal to a saving of between 15 and 25 percent on an outlay of nearly 300,0001. a year; also as being "a more pleasant and read- able form," from its smaller weight and shorter line. We hold this defence to be good against all the supposititious dignity of size. Add that it is more easily carried,—for it fits the pocket, which even the old octavo does not; that it is more easily handled for reference, in standing to speak; and that it will easily lie beside your paper on the writing-desk. The size of the print is sufficient for all readers. In short, the shape selected by the Board of Health meets every requirement of convenience.