OFFICE OP ORDNANCE, May 23.-Royal Regiment of Artillery-Lieut. J. Campbell to be Second Captain and Adjt. of the Royal Invalid Artillery.
Corps of Royal Engineers-Second Capt. E. F. Bouchier to be Capt. vice Ward, Aaced on the Seconded List ; Lieut. It. Warren to be Second Capt. vice Bouchier ; Lieut. H. Williams to be Second Capt. vice Tyler, placed on the Seconded List; Brevet-Cot. U. Sandham to be Col. vice Emmett, retired on full-pay; Capt. H. W. Lagard to be Lieut.-Col. vice Sandham ; Second Capt. H. Grain to be Capt. vice Lugard ; Lieut. the Hon. J. .1. Bury to be Second Capt. vice Grain; Brevet-Col. F. H. Baddeley to be Col. vice Waters, retired on full-pay; Capt. W. C. Madden to be Lieut.-Col. vice Baddeley ; Second Capt. J. IL Grant to be Capt. vice Madden; Lieut. R. H. Stotherd to be Second Capt. vice Grant, Waa-orricx, June 1.-2d Dragoon Guards-C. W. Bell, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice M'Cormick, who retires. 3d Light Drags.-Cornet C. T. Goff, from the 12th Light Drags, to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Montagu, appointed to the 8th Light Drags. 4th Light Drags.-E. W. Blackett, Gent, to be Cornet, with- out purchase. 15th Light Drags.-Lieut. C. W. Ilinxman to be CapL without pur- chase, vice Lord S. C. Compton, deceased ; Cornet G. T. Macartney to be Lieut, without purchase, vice I:lineman; Cornet C. W. Bell, from the 2d Drag. Guards, to be Cornet, without purchase, vice Macartney, promoted. 16th Light Dtage.-Cor- net J. P. W. G. Holford retires from the service by the sale of his commission. Scots Fusilier Guards-G. Perry, Gent. to be Assist-Burg. 1st Regiment of Foot -To be Ensigns, without purchase-Ensign F. W. Thompson, from the West Rent Light Infantry Militia; 0. D. W. Hunter, Gent. • A...1. Badgley, Gent. 3d Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-Ensign A. B. Letts, from the 56th Foot; .7. Awdry, Gent. ; H. Pears, Gent. 7th Foot-Capt. Sir G. F. R. Walker, Bart. from half-pay Coati. to be Capt. vice Fitzgerald, who exchanges; Lieut. P. G. Caney to be Capt. by purchase, vice Sir G. F. B, Walker, Bart, who retires; A. N. Montgomery, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, in succession to Lieut. Coney, pro- moted. 9th Foot-To be Lieutenants, without purchase-Ensigns W. A. Elmhirst, B. C. H. German, A. Worthington. To be Ensign, without purchase-J. H. Bol- too, Gent. 10th Foot-Quartermaster J. Murphy to be Paymaster, vice Lee, de- ceased; Ensign H. O'Donnell to be Quartermaster, vice Murphy, appointed Pay- master. Ilth Foot-F. Armstrong, Gent. to be Ensign, without pnrchase, vice Hill, prom. 12th Foot-Lieut. E. Foster to be Capt. without pur. vice Littlehales, dec.; H. R. Cromartie, Gent. to be Ensign, without pur. vice Prothero, appointed to the 48th Foot, 13th Foot-T. WE. Gill, Gent, to be Ensign, without pur.vice Hoban, appointed Quartermaster. 18th Foot-Ensign E. A. Noblett, from the Royal Gla- morgan Light Infantry Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase; J. Wily, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 21st Foot- Ensign 8.5. Connell, from the 1st Foot, to be Ensign, without purchase. 27th Foot-H. S. Simeon, Gent. vice Stewart, pro- moted. 29th Foot-Lieut. J. T. James retires from the service by the sale of his commission. 30th Foot-Lieut. J. Moon to be Quartermaster, vice Morris, ap- pointed to the Depot, Scutari; W. P. P. Mackesy, Gent, to be Ensign, without pur- chase. 34th Foot-L. J. Grier, Gent. lobe Ensign, without purchase. 36th Foot- To be Ensigns, without purchase-T. Scarlett, Gent. vice Orange, promoted; A. H. Bedford, Gent. 39th Foot-T. M. logo, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase. 42d Foot-Ensign M. Macleod to be Lieut, without purchase; Ensign J. G. G. Stuart., from the Stirlingshire Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Macleod. 46th Foot-V. Daly, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Cross, promoted. 48th Foot-Lieut, G. T. Miller, from the 1st West India Regt. to be Lieut. without purchase; Lieut. NV: .1. Burman, from the 2d West India Regt. to be Lieut. without purchase ; Ensign G. N. R. Goddard, from the Queen's Royal Rifle Antrim Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase. 49th Foot-Major T. White, from half-pay Unatt. to be Major, vice Maclean, who exchanges. 50th Foot - William Henry Wil- son, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, in succession to Lieutenant Blackall, promoted ; C. R. Ring, Gent, to be Enema, without purchase. 51st Foot-Capt. the Earl of Leitrim, from half-pay Unatt, to be Capt. vice Brevet-Major D. G. A. Darroch, who exchanges ; Limit. S. A. Cleeve to be Capt. Isy pur. vice Singleton, who retires; Lieut. 13, R. Mitford, to be Capt. by pur. vice the Earl of Leitrim, who retires ; Lieut. C. J. Ilughes,Srom the 81st Foot, to be Lieut. Ace Shiden, who ex- changes; Ensign P. Chaplin to be Lieut, by pur. vice Mitford; C. E. Lambert, Gent. to be Ensign, by pur. vice Chaplin. 534 Foot-R. A. Eyre, Gent, to be En- sign, without pur. vice Prideaux, promoted in 23d Foot. 54th Foot-W. F. V. Harris, dent. to be Ensign, without pur. 55th Foot- Lieut, W. H, Richards to be Capt. by pur. vice Cure, promoted. 58th Foot-0. W. Hill, Gent. vice Taylor, ap- pointed to the 21st Foot. 59th Foot-A, Elesilrige, Gent. vice Ilickie, promoted in the 7th Foot. 60th Foot-Sergt-Major H. Tiltord to be Ensign, without pur.; Bradshaw, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 62d Foot-Lieut A. G. Dickson to be Capt. by put vice Minchm, who retires. To be Ensigns, without pur.-N. G. Elliott, Gent. vice Kerr, promoted; J. F. M•Pherson, Gent. 67th Foot-To be Ensigns, without purchase-J. R. Crane, Gent. vice Blyth, appointed to the 88th Foot ; William Henry Bell Kingsley, Gent. lice Smyth, promoted in the 28th Foot- 69th Foot-J. J. Omer, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Sir H. Fletcher, Bart. promoted. 70th Foot-Sergeant-Major W. Nevill to be Quartermaster, vice Thompson, ap- pointed Paymaster. 71st loot-Ensign B.. I.. G. Al'Grigor, from the 61st Foot, to be Ensign, without purchase ; Ensign W. F. V. Minis, from the .54th Foot, to be Ensign, without purchase. 80th Foot-Ensign H. (7. Paulson to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Arundel, who retires. 81st Foot-Lieut, W. I). Sladen, from the 51st Foot, to be Lieut. vice Hughes, who exchanges. 84th Foot-II. B. Groben, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Bmckenbury, promoted. 85th Foot- W. Galbraith, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Haydock, promoted in the 90th Foot. 89th Foot-Ensign IL B. Bolds,' in. from the 34 Regt. of Royal Lanca- shire Militia, to be Ensign, without pun. 93d Foot-E. de V. Aytoun, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, in succession to Lieut. Macdonald, promoted. 94th Foot- To be Ensigns, without pur-lt. J. M. St. George, Gent. vice Durant, promoted is the 79th Foot ; E. H. Wheeler, Gent. vice Elliott, promoted in the 18th Foot. To be Assistant-Surgeon -Assist.-Surg. T. J. Biddle, from the Staff, vice Stoney, promoted. 95th Foot-Lieut. R. Machee, from the 1st Royal Lanark Militia, to be Ensign, out purchase. 07th Foot-Lieut. H. Hardy, from the Royal Glamorgan Light In- fantry Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase. 99th Foot-Lieut. F. W. Despard to be Capt. by purchase, vice Blair, who retires ; Ensign C. Burton to be Lieut, by purchase, vice Despard.
Rifle Brigade-Brevet-Major W. Harry Earl of Errol to be Major, without pur. vice Wilkinson, who retires upon full-pay ; Lieut. W. F. Tbyune to be Capt. with- out purchase, vice Earl of Errol; Ensign H. Eyre to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Thymic. 24 West India Begt--Eneign J. Barger to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Sur- man, appointed to the 48th Foot.
Unattached -Brevet-Major T. White, front the 49th Foot, to be Major, without purchase. Hospital Staff.-To be Acting Assistant-Surgeons-J. Mayne, Gent.; W. Fletcher, Gent.; H. Bedwell, Gent.; J. D. Healy. Gent.; H. W. Wood, Gent.; W. Hamil- ton, M.D. ; W. H. Leslie, Gent. ; J. Folliott, Gent.; R. Modlin, Gent. ; G. L. Hinde, Gent.; T. A. Finnimore, Gent.; J. IL G. MeareS, Gent. ; H. Bicknell, Gent.; S. B. Gibb, M.D.; B. B. Bewley, Gent.; J. Longmore, Gent ; J. Riugland, Gent. ; R. U. Cashman, M.D.; T. C. Beale, Gent.
Memoranda.-The appointment of Surgeon Campbell as Deputy-Inspector-Gene- ral of Hospitals to the Turkish Contingent to bear date April 5. Brevet-Major E. J. Cruice, Capt. on half-pay Unatt. (Staff Officer of Pensioners,) having repaid the difference, 5111. which he received on exchanging to half-pay from the 6th Foot, on the 26th Nov. 1852, the same has been placed to the credit of the public. Assist.- Burg: W. P. P. Mackesy, of the 30th Foot, has been permitted to resign his com- mission. The promotion of the folloningofficers to be antedated to 12th Dec. 1854, but not to carry back-pay-Major Hooke, 19th Foot; Major Norton, 88th Foot; Major Hon, 4th Foot. The appointment of Lieut. and Capt. R. Gipps, Scots Fusi- lier Guards, to be Adjt, to Dept of Brigade of Guards at Malta, has been cancelled.
Major Wilkinson, retired full-pay Rifle Brigade, to be Lieut.-Col. in the Army, the rank being honorary only. Capt. the Earl of Leitrim, of the 51st Foot, to be Ma- jor in the Army. Brevet-Major the Earl of Leitrim, of the 51st Foot, to be Lieut- Col in the Army, Capt. E. S. Mercer, of the 94th Foot, to have the local rank of Major while serving with the Turkish Contingent. The following gentlemen to have the local rank of Staff-Surg. of the First Class in Turkey while serving with the Turkish Contingent-Major Ainger, Esq. and A. Cockburn.
The following gentlemen to have the local rank of Surg. in Turkey, while serving with the Irregular Horse, under the command of Major-Gen. Beatson-Dr. Fraser. The following gentlemen to have the local rank of Veterinary-Surg. in Turkey, while serving with the Turkish Contingent-W. Ford, Gent. Staff-Lieut. .1. Pope, from the 3d Foot, to have the substantive commission of Adjt, of the Dept for Invalids, at Chatham, with the rank of Lieut. vice Rand, promoted.