2 JUNE 1928, Page 19


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Srn,—I do not know when the Spectator was recommenced, but I always remember my father, William Edward Bartlett; of Kensington, London, reading it when I was a schoolgirl. On his death my husband took it for forty-eight years. I am now seventy-six. I am now left a widow and unable to afford the Spectator. Our copy was sent by us to a mining engineer in Co. Durham, which is sorely in need of light and leading. He sent it to a neighbouring Vicar, who forwarded it to the wife of a clergyman in Wales. They will all miss it terribly. If anyone amongst your kind readers would send a copy, how- ever old, it would be a truly generous and high'y valued

gift to—Yours, &c., •

(Mrs.) F. E. CHARLTON, J.P.

The West Garth, Gisborough, Yorkshire.