SIR,—There is a small point of fact to which I should just like to draw your attention. You mention, by implication though not by actual title, the National Association of Head Teachers and their conference of the previous weekend. But your reference to 'their Association's recent pamphlet, The Salary of the Head of a School,' is incorrect. This paper was, in fact, published by my own Association. There is so elaborate a complex of educational associations that confusion as to such small details is hardly surpris- ing; but I thought you would like to know how the matter actually stands.
It is of much more consequence that I should offer you thanks and commendation, if I may, for your enterprise and imagination in devoting so much
space in this number to what you call 'the teacher's lot.' It seems to us significant that the Spectator—
as well as other daily and weekly papers—should take the line which emerges in your editorial com- ment and in the three special articles.—Yours faith- fully,
F. L. ALLAN, Secretary
The Incorporated Association of Head Masters 29 Gordon Square. WCI