A hundred years ago
From the 'Spectator,' 1 June, 1867—The franchise section of the Reform Bill, both as regards the borough and county qualification, passed finally through Committee on Tuesday... . Mr. Bright ... congratulated the country gentlemen on their wonderful and sudden change of opinion . . . Mr. Disraeli, a little nettled . . . was driven to put on suddenly that mask of sullen incapacity to understand, with which he so often veils his em- barrassment. None feel more keenly than the Tories themselves the abruptness and ludicrousness of their own political somersault A good story is told illustrative of this feeling. An errand boy meeting an old country member descending the steps of the Carlton Club, asked him, "Please, Sir, is this the Reform Club?" "No, damn you!" growled the old Tory, "The Reform is next door. This is not The Reform; this is The Revolution."