Too many laws
Sir: It's all very well Boris Johnson writing about the new Puritans (The purpose of life is happiness', 26 May). Perhaps he and his colleagues could start opposing some of the puritanical/authoritarian legislation that spews forth from New Labour. New Dave seems to agree with half of it and doesn't put up much of a fight against the other half.
Simon Wood By email Sir: Boris Johnson is right. The Conservatives' basic policy should be not to pass laws but to repeal them. I would scrap almost all of Blair's laws, most of Major's, some of Thatcher's, some from before her time, all laws subordinating Britain to the EU and all EU regulations imposed on us against our will. If the result of this was a less healthy, less safe, society — oh dear, how sad. I favour more laws to keep out immigrants and protect animals.
Mark Taha London SE26