IN-Amon-mi.:, March 1.-6th Dragoon Guards—Brevet Col. T. H. L. Davies, from hail-pay of the Chasseurs Britattniques, to be Lieut,•Col. Viet! Col. Willman, who exchanges ; Brevet Lieut.-Cul. J. Jackson to be 1,teut.-Col. by punhase, Viet! Davies, who retires, 1st Dragoons—NV. It. liartteltd, Gent. to be Curvet, by purchase, vice White, who retires. 8th Light Drags.—Copt. Hun. B. Wudehuase to be Major, by purchase; Lieut. Lohmtes to he Capt. by purchase, vice NVotleltuuse ; Cornet G. J. Venom to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Lomeli's; llon. J. Saudilauds to be Cornet, by purchase, Vice Vernon. re; Light Drags.—Lieut. E. Cruker to be Capt. by par. chase, ski, Sheilden, who retircs ; Cornet .1. 0. Brett to be Lieut. by purchase, vice ('raker; E. C. Scobell, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, Vine Brett. 9t11 Foot—A. Lipari, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice 'llamas, appointed to the 10th Foot. 10th Poot—.1.ieut. T. 11. Franks to be ti ,tpt. by purchase, ViCe Tedlie, who retires; Etisigti It. I.. Thomas 10 be by purchase, vice Franks; Ensign G. J. Thianas, front the 9th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Thomas. 17th Foot—Assist.- stag. W. Milligan, M.D. front the 63,1 Regt. to be Sorg. vice Ila Haltom appointed to the 57th Regt. Lath Foot—Ensign J. E. II. Pryee to be. Lieut. by purchase, vice White, who retires ; Butler, Gent. to he Ensign, by purehase, %tee Pryce. 29th Foul—Lieut. G. T. Parker, from haltpay unattaelied, to be LWut. Stet Thatcher, promoted int the 117th ltegt. 30th Foot—Lieut. J. Moore to be Capt. by purchase, vice Fullerton, who retires; Ensign P.
C. Cavan to f ;tent, be Moore'. ;17th Foot—Lieut. Durhatn to
he Capt. by purehase, 'Ace who retires; Ensign C. F. Shunt to be Lieut. by purchase, s ice Durham ; M. Landlord, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Shunt, 57th Fool—Sorg. A. Hamilton, Ml,0, from fire 170i Foot, to he Sorg. vice J. )1' Douttell, who retires upon (i3(1 Foot—,I. S. Charlton, Gent. to be Assist.-Sorg. vice pn moiled in the 17th Foot. 69th Fold—Licit. F. II. I1gtgeiq, front the hlth Reef. to he Paymaster, vice 'Mundell, devensed. 70th Foot—E. B. Waddell, lieut. to be Ensign, by purchase. vie,. Hawker. promoted. 72d Foot—Eu.4p G. P. Erskine to he Licit, by purchase, vice Oliver, nha n•iirO,; W. II. Seymour, Gent. to be Ensign, purchase, vie' Erskine. 79111 Fool--F. II, llorlibrook, Gent. to be Assist..Surg. nee Hopkins, deceased. 88th Foot—Eusign 11. B. Sawrey to be I.iettt. by purchase, vice Sanders, who retires ; S. Adams, Geol. to be Ensign by purchase. vice SuarcY-
; B. I). Warden ; Lieut. J. N. libation. 'ru be Lients.—Ensign G. E. Can- ed the Cape Regt.
Cape Mounted Itillemen—Brevet Cul. 11. Sumerset. trout to be Liettt,-001. 'F., be Capts.—Capt. H. Crouse, front 211 Garrisan Bathe
seat ; Ensign F. T. Le ; Ensigti .1. R. O'Reilly. 'Po he Ensign—C. H. somerset, from the 75th ltegt.; Eusigu J. Armstrong, from the 72d Beet.; Ensign W. Harding, from the 75th WO.; W. !Amen, Gent, Vice Cameron ; F. Campbell, Gent. site be Teazel; II. Van ityneweld, Gent. vice (.) Reilly,
l!nattached—To be Liettt.•Cols. without porellase-1%Ittjor J. Johnson, front the 13th Itegt.; Major IL A. Mulkey, from the 8111 Light Drags. To be Major. without lair- ellatle—Brevet Major J. II. Crummer, from the 23th ltegt. To be Capt. without pur- chase—Limit. F. Stanford, from the 40t11 Regt.
Brevet—Capt. II. Crause, allot Cape Mounted Riflemen, lobe Major in the AMY. Memorandum--The promotion of Ensign l'ostlethwaite, of the 51st Foot, to be Lieut. in that corps, and the amointinent of Mr. Wallace to be Ensign, iu succession, unstated in the Gazette of the 234 Feb. 1839, have not taken place.