Yesterday being the last weekly meeting of the Bank Directors, previous to the closing of the books of the various Stocks, the Dividends upon which be- come due in April next, the usual notice for the advance of money by way of loan was issued. It is as follows- " Bank of England, 26th Feb. 1839.
" The Governor and 1 Linipaily of the Batik of England hereby give notice, that on and after tie' 28th Fehnmrs rust., at, they will he ready to receive applications for loans upon the deposit or No- lt,*t having more than six months to run, Exche- quer Bills, and East 11111L, BMW, and oilier approved securities ; such luaus to be re- paid on the 23.1 April, 1. it h interest at the rate of al per cent. per annum, and to be for sums of not less than 2,000/. each."
It was in some degree anticipated that the rate of interest fixed in the above notice would have been 4 per cent. instead of 36 per cent. From the latter rate havinf, been adopted, it is inferred that no serious apprehensions are enter- tained by the Directors of the continuance of the demaud fbr gold, which has sprung up during the last few days. The commercial state of the French me- tropolis is represented as very deplorable; several extensive mercantile failures have occurred in the Course Of the week ; and the reports received this morn- ing are of a very gloomy character. The difficulty of conducting any exten- sive ex.dem!,e npernt inns iu s uch a state of things, has caused large remittances to I:.: made by our merchants to their correspondents in Paris. The Englidi Fund- are, however, improving ; and the demand for Stock continues. Consols .'re per cent itinive on r lint quotations. ; the other English Funds are also high, r; New Three-and-a-half per Cents. having been done at 101. Long Annniiic, arc quoted at 15h. Exchequer Bills have recovered the depression
which t' sustuined on account of the reduction of the interest, and are quoted at 64 to (if; prem. ; while the advertised hills are GO to 62. In the Foreign Market. the Dutch and Belgian Securities are higher; the
latter b( 1112, all MINIUM! of 2 per cent. upon our last quotatiots. Dutch Two-and-a-Half per Cents. have not been so much in demand, and are not more than higher than on Saturday. The Brazilian Securities have been steady ; the Stock at s,!, and the New Scrip at 11 and 2 prem. The other South Americus Stocks have been depressed, but have recovered in a slight • degree : there has not heen any busibus,i of importance in them. The prin- cipal tear-action, ]rave been in Spanish and Portuguese Securities ; which have bcco con,ermence of the large amount of Stock bought by the ,pecu!ate.... 14 the Account, and which upon the settlement yesterday they were unable to take off the nutlet ; but hare both improved to-day when no difficulty of that nature exists. The recent proceedings of Don CARLOS have tended to improve Spanish Stock in a greater degree than Portuguese ; mid the Active Bonds are to-day t4. per cent. above the price of 'Wed nesday.
Very little business has been doing in Railway Shares; and prices have not varied materially from those of lust week. A sale of one hundred and three forfeited shares in the Brighton Railway took place to-day, at the Auction Mart : they were taken freely at the current quotation of tits market, viz, at 12/. 7s, 6d. and 12/. 10s., or 4:1 dis. per share.
SATCRPAV, TWELVE o'Cr•orar. Consols arc h higher than yesterday ; the price being 9131 h for Money and 93i jj for Account. Exchequer Bills and India Bonds are the same. In the Foreign Market, attention has been almost entirely absorbed by Spanish Semi- : rities, which have risen I per cent. upon yesterday's prices. The opening tnaotation of Active Stock was 19i, and the pressure of Money Stock kept the market down for sonic time; but as several influential buyers made their as. pearance, the price improved rapidly, and has been as high as 204 : the present quotation is 20)s 4. Portuguese are higher, the Five per Cents. being 35i 6 the Three per Cents. 22k. But, as we have before remarked, the only busbies; of' importance that has occurred has been in SpanisliSAtock. s
,T1Rp AY EMIR o'ctorm
Consols have declined since the' morning ; and after having been sellers 94 close at 93A I. This reaction is attributed to the arrival of intelligence frsir; America of a serious misunderstanding having arisen between our Minister at Washington and the American Government upon the subject of the Boundary question : we believe, however, that it is referable to the demand for gold which has continued to-day, a large amount having been sent to Paris ; where, as in Belgium, the state of commercial credit is deplorable. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has fallen about 2s. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has been as low as 20k, but closes at 20i 1. Portuguese Bonds are without variation. The Columbian Bonds are firmer, and just before the close of business were done at 30.
a per Cent, Consols —ex div.
Ditto for Account 8 per Cent. Reduced 93* * 92* II shut Brarilian 5 per Cents. Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 2* per Cents 803. 1 76i i 54 f New 34 per Cent. Anna 100* * Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts. 35} 36 Bank Stock shut Ditto 3 per Cent. 22 } India Stack
Russian (1822) 5 per Cent.... 112 Pr.*, Ditto Bonds 67pm. Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent.— 20 * Exchequer Bills 66 68ptu. Deferred Stock 9 * Belgian 5 par Conte 101* Passive Ditto 5 4