The arrangements for the Opera season are at length completed;
and her Majesty's Theatre is announced to open on Saturday next, with DONIZETTI'S Belisario; Mademoiselle Moesm, a cantatrice from Na- ples, and FREDERIC LARLACHE, being the principal pertbrmers. We are to have Geist and PERSIANI, and It UBINI and hmitscise, as before ; RUBINI having been "prevailed upon" to favour us with more "last notes." TAMBURINI'S engagement is not concluded. but M. hseowrs: "entertains a confident hope " that it will he. TATI, MORELLI, and Bon- Ram, Mademoiselle DETMAR, and Signora 13m.i.ix1, are among the list of subordinate vocalists ; and the chorus is said to have been fur- ther improved. P.triaNE Gancra is also to make her dam this sea- son, but is announced only for four nights ; M. 1.seoarg having "with considerable difficulty prevailed" upon her to " yield to the desire of beginning her theatrical career on that stage where the powers of her sister (Matinees) were so greatly appreciated "—that they were not exercised there during the latter years of her life.
The operas promised are ROSSINI'S William Tell, COPPOLA'S Nina, MERCADANTE'S Briyanti, DONIZETTI'S Lam tia Borgia and L'Elisir d' Amore, and FIAVORANTI'S Cantatrice ViUuni. TAGLIONI and the Em.sheas, Green.t and COULON, and a Monsieur MsTilieu from Italy, are the principals of the ballet ; which department promises to lie inure actively attended to than last season, four new pieces being announced. GrEite.s has palletised Robert le Diable for the opening night ; and the Gil ny, which is just now the rage in Paris, will be produced on the arrival of the ELLSLERR. The orchestra is to be reinforced by more stringed instruments ; a welcome intimation, in this " brazen age " of music.