At a meeting of the Court of Common (*mitten. o:t
Thursday, the Lord Mayor called attendon to a letter received lAnn Mr. l'oner, a member of the Court, in reply to an invitation to dine :It the Mansion- house. Mr. Potter, who is a cu::!-sector. wrote in a very abusive and insolent style, reproaching the Lord Mayor with eansiwr i:;.jury to him and other coal-tincture. and describinghim as an ass, whose braying be- trayed his real character tconi beneath the trappings of' his dearly-loved office. The Court, as in duty bound, was very indignant : and re- ferred Potter's letter to a Committee of one member fvoin each ward. A vote of censure is the punishment proposed : but the writer of such a letter as the one produced must be impervious to censure.