lie Vrobincts.
Mr. Richard Potter having resigned his seat for Wigan, in conse- quence of ill-health. Mr. Ewart has become a candidate to represent that borough in Parlisment, its 01111pliance with "the most numerously signed requisition which has yet issued. ffoin Wigan." Mr. Kearsley, f• ormerly the "Beer-barrel ::denther" for the borough, is again brought forward by the Tories.
Mr. Miles Stapleton is pot forward by the Tories to oppose Sir R. Dundas, the Whig eaudidste, It iehmond ; but, we should suppose, with small chance of success.
The following Pier on the Coen-laws, front Mr. Swynfen Jervis, M.P., to his Stathirdshire tenantry, has been published in the .11orniny Chronicle. Mr. Jervis. it will !o: sees!, has deprived his tenants of the excuse the farmers geaerally can urge lbr their support of the Corn- laws.
.• Whitehall 'lace, San. "'Dear Sir--1 shall be obli:,•4 to yr.a togit.e notice to sty tenants, ou tioe first con-
t:1 to tic !.:rrat uati•Icti that IS now 1:▪ 1%■OZ . l•tus, re.t:t!,ttin,; the ;MI< .111it a of fort.'..nt ■4311 1.13.,1■31, Ir.o•t .:""3311.1y art} ir con,eciaence rtlion.411 I Wilily anticivit .,11,11 3 resort, at sow, v 3.oy• tie retio•tion tt,,, ‘cittlont a leoi..:ttionme itt the de- mand proci.;,., 1 ,1:1 ready to meet s•.....11 a eleowe at the earliest k iky s eorremattotitas nsr.a.tiott or rent. A:O.1 tios Ow) alit or inoti‘, j3.311114 k•13111:alleillty 1%0 t.,."cry 3.."3i11,3
to loutteti
from tic h.
" TI, 111,.•• not Gar t:1,1.tat then the former,: of Ell..!1:3111,1, 11113,1 as they now sc.-,nil •, -.• the eliam.:... p..rt:naed) o. tto..e10.01...warzently tienato•;1:,.. ; I is kin Cnrik•;,■kkk.; ;aka wokkdk, arai ,. Sallie in bt.kk. . SI.k'nn-kik 0,1 :eel oath..., ea:letb • I ,• re.d. ".i.' .toy lb:a 1.1:■!ir sar,l-r by their el.:ire anO speoty .!:-,1;.• • Mr. R. If, less been elected President, and Mr. Hollatul Houle Vice President, of the Manclooter Ilia:ober or (2einnierce.
The working of short time is extending Ai ith considerable rapidity
in all parts or the ...1-enclieSt distriet ; and we believe that the total slumber of mil:s that ilm.e Leen wholly or partially stopped, now con- siderably exce.ils one ho.eired, whieh number is daily increasing. We regret to lean that this le:nisi sospeasieu of business, coupled with the high pi.ho: of hread, much distress amongst the working classes in various parts 0.' the tow n.—Jianehesier (-21umulian.
A t a meeting of the pro/ rietors of the Great Yarmouth Gas Company, on Monday sennight, .Ma..losper Atkinsiss their chairman, laid before them a statement of their atfoirs for flue three years; exhibiting a progre ive improvement, and enabling the Diseetors to declare a
deed :; per cent. The sharelmidees pressiited Mr. Atkinson with a handsome piece of plate, Ois his temetnitting attention during the time he has taken the man:element.
.Just three pounds worth of copper has been sent front Leeds by the Chartists to support their democratical representatives in town.—Leeds