The Army and Navy Estimates have been printed. The former
ex- hibit an increase of 791 men over the numbers of 1838-9 ; the total of all ranks for 1838-9 having been 109,027, and the number required for 1839-40, 109,818. The increase of expense on the effective service, is 17 0,2::91. ; the decrease in the non-effective service, 32.6 /. The en- tire charge for the two services, after deducting 714,696/. to be paid by the East India Company, is 6,199,810/. The estimate for the naval service of 1809-40, is 5,459.3741. ; that for 1838-9, was 4.960,911/. The increase for the next, over the last year, is therefore 498,4631. The number of seamen for the year is put down at 23,165; of boys, 2,000; of marines afloat, 5,500; of marines ashore, 3,500—total, 34,165.