2 MARCH 1850, Page 19


Tuesday, February 26.

PARTNElisHres DISSOLVEIL—Fawcus and Co. Seaham, and Stephenson and Co. Hartlepool, ship-brokers—Boughey and Allkins, Newport, Shropshire bendware- manufacturers—Laycock and Co. Bacup, konfounders—Borthwick and Co. Newcastle- upon-Tyne, merchants—J. and L. Murton, Manchester, bleachers—Bransby and Veinier, Basingstoke, corn-dealers—M'Connell and Forsyth, Monks Coppenhall, Cheshire, drapers—T. and M. Chattaway, Birmingham, carriers—Tucker and Sons, Datchet, butchers ; as far as regards T. Tucker—Murray and Mort, London Wall, ostrich-feather-manufacturers—Laycock and Jackson, managers of the Gate Hehnsley Retreat, Yorkshire—Wilson and Swale, Hammy Street—Spray and Nevett, London, engineers—Snowden and Pollock, Ramsgate, attornies—Bensted and Higgens, Maidstone, hoymen—Tomlinson and Cooper, Walsall, saddlers—Satterthwaite and Jackson, Iliverstone, ironmougers—Battersby and Co. Liverpool, ironfounders-- Edwards and Scraggs„ East Dereham, painters—J. and W. Baker, Bristol, tilers- Druce and Co. Ensham, Oxfordshire, coal-merchants—Richards and Co. Penzance, mercers ; as far as regards R. Richards—Pickering and Alexander, Wilson Street, Finsbury, dyers—Ancell and Fagg, Norfolk Crescent, Hyde Park, surgeons—Bil- lingsley and Co. Harwich, shipping-agents; as far as regards W. J. Miall—Hudson and Co. Hartlepool, ship-brokers—E. H., W. J. T. B., It. G., A., and T. Jones, Birmingham, ironfounders ; as far as regards E. 21., W. J., T. B., and R. G. Jones— Laird and Marshall, Glasgow, commission-merchants. BANHHIIFTS —ARRARAM WHEELER, Buckingham, cabinet-maker, to surrender March 12, April 11: solicitor, Risley, Doughty Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street—Jaws STARKEY, Old Street, carpenter, March 12, April 16: solicitors, Hine and Robinson, Charterhouse Square ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court—CHAutzs Sousa CARrren, (and not Cmiuma, as advertised in last Friday's Gazette,) Shooter's Hill, solicitor, March 12, 26: solicitor, Nies, Copthall Court; official assignee, Stansfeld--Jous BrairrtaLL Otos% Cornbill, watchmaker, March 16, April 13: solicitor, Kemp, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden; official as- signee, Johnson, Basinghall Street—Joint DALE Wooncocs, Leeds, calenderer, March 12, April 9: solicitor, Middleton, Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds— Gamma MATzusws, Monmouth, pianoforte-seller, March 12, April 9: solicitors, Nicholas, Monmouth; Bevan, Bristol ; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol—Loins BERNARD CHOPP'S, Bath, bookseller, March 12, April 9: solicitors, Strangways, Ring's Road, Gray's Inn; Whittington and Gribble, Bristol ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol.

Dremesns.—March 21, Elliott jun. Rochdale, chemist—March 21, Taylor, Poynton, Cheshire, butcher.

CERTIPICATES.—TO be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.—March 22, L. and J. Davy, South Street, New North Road, builders— March 21, Jones, Castle Street, Holborn, commission-agent—March 21, Dixon, Liverpool, grocer—March 20, Tyer, Gosport, bootmaker—March 21, Wright, Leeds, currier—March 21, Ramoden, Dewsbury, bone-merchant—March 22, Cowley, Not- tingham, scrivener—March 25, Bowers and Co. Worcester, grocers. DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS.—Astle; div. of 68. 4d. on Feb. 28, or any subsequent Thursday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers--Mumford ; div. of 5s. on Feb. 28, or any subsequent Thursday; Pennell. Guildhall Chambers—..Alexander and Bardgett; first and second dive. of 2.1. 2d. and 6d. on new proofs, on Feb. 28, or any subsequent Thursday; Pennell, Guildhall Cluunbers—M‘Queen ; div. of Is. 06d. on the separate estate, on Feb. 28, or any subsequent Thursday ; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers— Trencher ; div. of Is. 10d. on Feb. 28, or any subsequent Thursday; Pennell, Guild- hall Chambers—Minton; div. of Is. 56d. on Feb. 28, or any subsequent Thursday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—Parrish; die. of 46d. on Feb. 28, or any subsequent Thursday; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—Wheelhouse, York, banker ; first div. of 3s. any Tuesday ; Hope, Leeds—Ryder, Birmingham, jeweller; first div. of 8s. any Friday; Whitmore, Birmingham.

SCOTCH Ssanzernenoss.—Rev. W. Ferrie, Anstruther Easter, Fifeshirs, dealer in shares, Feb. 28, March 28-3. Howie, Glasgow, funeral undertaker, March 2, 23—A. Ballantine, Musselburgh, grocer, March 4, 22-3. Smart, Elgin, builder, March 4, 25 — J. C. Reddie, Edinburgh, insurance-broker, March 4, 25,

Friday, Mara. 1.

Pessimism:es DISSOLVED.—Ellie and Co. Yorkshire, worsted-spinners—Fox and Co. Great Knight Bider Street, proctors ; as far as regards J. J. Mundell—Wood- house and Ward, Manchester, calico-printers—Haigh and Womack, Leeds, account- ants—Maitland and Carr, Conduit Street, Hanover -Square, tailors—J. and It. Chad- wick, Walmersley, Lancashire, brewers—Spencer and Co. Horselydown, wharfiugers — Kingan and Arnold, Liverpool, provision-merchants—Green and Co. Lima; as far ttes T. E. Nelson—De Riemer and Cliff, Nantaich, grocers—Kimber jun. and Ward, Gray's Inn Lane, coach-builders—Cussons and Wood, Manchester, cotton- spinners—Crowley and Thompson, Manchester, commission-agents—Sanders and Co. Bristol, hop-merchants—Calrow and Westcott, Liverpool, brokers—Green and Hor- ton' Tipton, boiler-makers—Spence and Lund, Manchester, surgeons—Ward and Scarborough, Bankside, coal-merchants—Daly and Keoghs, Liverpool, cattle-sales- men—Hishen and Gangs, Charles Street, Gibson Street, colour-makers—Croil and Co. Glasgow, merchants—Banff and London Shipping Company, as far as regards W. Barnet, W. Stmchan, and A. Murray; the Aberdeen Town and County Banking Company, and the North of Scotland Banking Company, as far as regards W. Bartlet—Price and Evans, Margate, surgeons (and not Price and Daniel, as ap- peared in last Friday's Gazette.) BANKROPTS.—JOHN Emirs, (and not Butput, as advertised in last Friday's " Gazette,") Beaumont Street, St. Marylebone, coachmaker, to surrender March 5. April 5: solicitors, Bicknells, Connaught Terrace, Edgevvare Road; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street—Ban:feint bfARTINELLI, Frederick Street, Regent's Park, coachmalcer, March 7, April 12: solicitor, Vaughan, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; official assignee, Cannan, Birchin Lane--Jons Knot Werrs, St. Ives, scrivener, March 9, April 27: solicitors, Parker and Co. Bedford Row ; Day, and Newton and Co. St. Ives ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers—RICHARD LANGLEY, Old Paradise Row, Islington, victualler, March 15, April 6: solicitor, Flavell, Bed- ford Row ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane--Jemsz HUNT, Bath, victualler, March 18, April 13: solicitor, Hellings, Bath ; official assignee, Miller, Bristol— Lucius THEODORE SABINE, Weymouth, ironmonger, March 18, April 4: solicitors, Manfield and Andrews, Dorchester ; Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Hernaman, Exeter—Jogs Navrat DATHAN, Cannon Street Road, ironmonger, March 16, April 27: solicitor, Freston, Sheffield ; official assignee, Young, Leeds—Tons FAweiriv, Hull, timber-merchant, March 13, April 10 : solicitor, Stamp, Hull ; official assignee, Carrick, Hull—Sous HAI/nue:1z Vurreu, Durham, printer, March 14, April 26: so- licitors, Thompson, Durham ; Hodge, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Wakky, Newcastle-upon-Tyne—nu:mu Aruntsoit, Liverpool, slater, March 18, April 8: solicitor, Atkinson, Liverpool; official assignee, Cazenove, LiverpooL DIVLDENDS.—April 5, Lackersteen and Crake, Moorgate Street, merchants—March 26, Sewell, Charles Street, Paddington, victualler—March 25, Barrett, Oxford, timber- merchant—March 25, Boss, Brighton, postmaster—March 25, Ellis, Cremorne House, victualler—March 25. Whalley, Kingsgate Street, clothworker—March 25, Mallett, College Street, Belvedere Road, lighterman—March 25, Reynolds, Gorleston, Suffolk, miller—March 22, Walley and Hardwick, Oxford Street, linendrapers—March 22, Sherwood, Belvedere Road, builder—March 26, Williams, Goudhurst, wheelwright— March 23, Girdlestone, North Audley Street, apothecary—March 16, Hemsworth, Primrose Street, wine-merchant—March 28, Carter, Bristol, victualler—March 28, Morrie, St. Clears, general shopkeeper—March 25, Price, Merthyr 'Tydfil, innkeeper —March 22, Taylor, Little Horton, provision-dealer—March 25, Wright, Pendleton, dyer—March 22, Townley, Blackburn, cotton-spinner—March 22, Lees, Manchester, manufacturer—March 27, Clementson, Whitelutven, tobacconist—March 26, Potts, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper—March 27, Browne, Amble House, Northumberland, shipowner—April 4 Lee, loloniton, builder—April 4, bfedland, St. Austell, brewer— March 28, Coatings, Torquay, timber-merchant—April 4, Heyward, Torquay, grocer. DERTIFTCATES.-1b be grantee', WHAM cause be MOM to MI3 contrary, on the aay of meeting.—March 25, Boulton, Broad Court, Bow Street, potato-salesman—March 22, Wrede, Kingsland Place, pianoforte-maker—March 23, Hiker, Kingsnorth, hop- dealer—March 26, Rawlings, Queen's Row, Pimlico, linendraper—March 23, Noble, Leadenhall Street, tailor—April 8, Heaton, Almondbury, clothier—April 8, Firth and Co- Stanningley, Yorkshire, scribbling-millers—March 23, Sanderson, Sheffield, iron-merchant—March 22, Jones, Llandulus, quarryman—March 22, Rennie, Liver- pool, merchant—March 26, Grey, South Preston, Northumberland, market-gardener —March 26, Cornish, Bristol, cabinet-maker—March 26, Venning, Totness, cider- merchant—April 4, Hart, Cullompton, baker—April 4, Shepherd, Cullompton, mer- chain—March 26, Stuckes, Exeter,innkeeper—March 26, Cooke, WorCester, cabinet- maker—March 26, Jefferies, Worcester, boat-builder.

DECLARATIONS OF D/VIDENDS.—Marti0, Northampton, baker; first dip. of Si. 56d. March 2, and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Cooper, New Bond Street, umbrella-manufacturer ; first div, of ls. 36d. on new proofs, March 2,

and three subsequent Saturdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Hardwick. Great Rik- sell Street, laceman; first div. of 76d. March 2, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Edwards, Sambrook Court—Robinson, Welbeek Street, commission-agent; first and final div. of 3s. 16d. March 2, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane—Byers. Upper Lesson Street, victualler; first and final div. of Is. 6d, March 2, and three subsequent Saturdays; Groom, Abchurch Lane—Buckland, Grosvenor Street, laceman ; first div. of ls. 4-2d. March 2, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane—Beamer, West Derby, Lancashire, joiner; third div. of 61d. March 6, or any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool—Davies, Liverpool, bookseller; second div. of lfd. March 6, or any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool—Pickup, Blackburn, brickmaker; first div. of Si. March 12, or any sub- sequent Tuesday; Fraser, Manchester—Ashmore, Birmingham, carrier; first div. of ld. any Thursday except March 28; Valpy, Birnungham—Lambert, Hull, drug- gist; first div. of 4s. Ild. any Friday; Carrick, Hull—Carter and Wharton, Gains- borough, engineers; first div. of Is. 8d. and first div. of 4s. 6d. on the separate estate of T. Carter, any Friday; Carrick, Hull—Jepson, Driffield, draper; final div. of 2d. any Friday; Carrick, Hull—Adams, Holton-k-Beckering, Lincolnshire, corn-factor; first div. of 4s. any Friday; Carrick, Hull—Foster, St. John's Square, ironmonger; first div. of 10s. March 6, and three following Wednesdays; Graham, Coleman Street —Wright, Northampton, corn-merchant; first div. of Is. 3d. March 6, and three following Wednesdays ; Graham, Coleman Street. Seem/ SEQUESTRATTONS.-11. Elder, Edinburgh, March 6, 28—C. Elder, Edinburgh, March 6, 28-3. Baird, Glasgow' cattle-dealer, March 4, 25-0. Cruikshank, Caume, farmer, March 7, 28-3. Minto, Edinburgh, coppersmith, March 7, 28—D. Credle, Gate House of Fleet, Kirkcudbright, nurseryman, March 9, 30—M. Laurie, Edin- burgh, brassfounder, March?, 27.