THE past week has been characterized by the renewal of shipments of gold to America; the latest advices, however, show a slightly favour- able reaction in the exchange, which, after having touched 104, was quoted by the last advices 105. Political news was likewise looked upon as more favourable, the Stock Market was steady, and prices maintained. On this side the prices of American stocks are nearly the same as last week, although several of the leading lines are at tempt- ingly low rates. Operators seem disposed to wait the result of the political events of the next month before doing anything. The English Stock Market has been steady, but money in demand, at full rates. Exchequer Bills to-day mark 7s. and 3s. dis., and very large sums have been sent in to be paid off, instead of renewing at the improved rate of 2d. per day. Consols have been done at 911 and 911 for 7th March, and close to-day 911 to 911. India, 223; ditto Five per Cents, 100 to 1001 ; ditto Scrip, 100k to 1001; New and Reduced Three per Cents, 911 to 911. Bank Stock continues at its reactionary movement after the late sudden jump, although the results of the present high rate of discount must be a good dividend to the share- holders ; the closing quotation is 231 to 233. Consols for 10th April, 921.
English Railways have been affected by the realizations which are frequently observed after the dividends are received, and prices are lower all round in consequence in some instances. One and Two per Cent. Midland, 126 to 1261, ex div.' Great Western, 68 to 681; Lon- don and North Western, 96 to 96k; Caledonian, 97 to 97r; South- Eastern, 851 to 851; Great Northern, 108 to 109 ex div. Canadian Shares are without particular movement. Great' Westerns maintain themselves, and have recovered partially the fall which was the first effect of the Committee's report to the shareholders. Foreign Railways have been dull and languid all the week, but prices do not show much altera- tion. Paris and Strasbourg, 23 to 21; Lombardo-Venetian, 4t01, dis.; Paris and Lyons 361 to 371; Northern of France, 38 to 39; Luxembourg. 61 to 61; Namur and Liege, 71 to 71 ; Sambre and Meuse, 51 to 51.
The market for Foreign Securities has been heavy, and nearly all quotations are lower; the chief feature, however, has been an improve- ment of to per cent. in Mexican, but which has not been fully maintained; the last price is 231 to 21. Turkish Six per Cents are slightly better, at the close 69 to 70; and for the New, 541 to 55. Pur- chasers for the Sinking Fund in Peruvian Stocks commenced and were completed in a few hours to-day-138,600l.; since when, however, a fall of 1 per cent. has taken place. Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 95 to 96, ex div.; ditto Three per Cents, 731 to 711; ditto Dollar Bonds, 78 to
to 411 ; Ditto Certificates, 6k .to Jomt-Stock Banks steady. 80 ; ditto Uribarren, 80 to 81; Spanish, 481 to 49; ditto Deferred, 41 West- minster 61 to 62; London Joint, 8 to 29; Union, 23+ to 241; City, 69 to 71; Marine Shares, Heavy Ocean, 24 to 21; Thames and Mersey, Ito 1; Universal, 11 to 11.