Count Wedel, of the Austrian Army, considered and said that
certain members of the Solms family behaved badly in the recent campaign. Prince Bernhard of Solms, though not implicated, thought it necessary to demand an apology, whereupon Count Wedel challenged him. They met on the 23rd, and the Prince, it is said, intended to fire in the air, but on the word being given Count Wedel shot him dead. Count Wedel, it is said, was " unaware of the precision of his weapon," and is " blamed for the sure aim he took." It results that Prince Bernhard of Solms, thinking somebody else insulted, got himself killed as a reparation for the insult ; and that Count Wedel, who would have been cut for not sending a challenge, is now to be cat for not considering a challenge meaningless. It is a beautiful system 1—but wants Cervantes to do it justice.