The Committee on Education for Salesmanship, he went on to
say, had received many interesting answers to their inquiries, and several that-were disquieting. In too many cases British representatives abroad did not speak or write the language Of ' the potential buyer. Too many firms still eorresponded With the buyer English, quoted prices in , English currency, sent cats= logues written in English. How could they expect to compete with sellers who carried through all their trans- actions - in the langua ge and the commercial term of the buyer ? One of the recommendatiOns of his -Committee would be that the' President 'of the Board of gducation should consider the better teaching of modern' lariguages: Again; our • exporters -often failed heeanse they.. were " too insular • and superior in their -ideas and in their manners ; too self-satisfied in their methods and traditions ; too heedless of the march 'of events." " Tot day," Mr. Goodenough added, " The customer is king. Those who base their policy upon that truth will-find that trade will flow to them as surely-as water to the sea:" - • * * * .* .