We welcome the first number of The Colonist, a sixpenny
monthly magazine edited and produced by consumptives at that wonderful place Papworth, of which we have several
times written in the Spectator. Some of the matter is, of course, of purely local interest, but it is all clever, lively, and healthy ; an admirable reflection of the spirit pervading .the colony. When the scheme was started in 1918 the turnover was £401. Last year it was £55,000, proving what remarkable success can be achieved (given the organizing _ ability of a Dr. -Varrier-Jones) in making happy and self-supporting citizens out of those afflicted with " T.13." Papworth Village Settlement will come to be regarded as a landmark in the history of the world, for:it provides a solution (not theoretical but M visible operation) of at least two of the gravest problems of the modem State—how to deal with the sick and how to
check the growth of cities. • • - -