Some interesting developments of the Homecroft movement were projected by
Professor Scott, in his address at the Caxton Hall on Thursday, February 21st.
The issue at the moment is to utilize the spare part of the Homecroft Association's land, originally bought with the Spectator Fund in 1926. The proposed demon- stration unit of ten houses showing the Homecroft prin- ciple has been built ; it is working with every sign of success, and occupies about one half of the estate. The Association are about to seek the aid of the Development Fund and the public, to enable them to advance to the teaching of Homecrofting by erecting a Memorial Cottage. This will commemorate that great pioneer in rural housing the late Dr. George Vivian Poore. The cottage will be a true Homecroft, with twenty-five to thirty children from the surrounding schools (if the co-operation of the education authorities can be secured) learning the whole art and science of living in a self-sustaining garden-home.