A Library List
REFERENCE BOOKS :-Crockford's Clerical Directory, 1929; . (Oxford University* Press. 42s.) African Manual on Mining, Industry and Agriculture: (Mining and Industrial Publications of Africa, Ltd. 21s.)-The Stock Exchange Year Book, 1929. (T. Skinner and Co. 50s.) SelP s Directory of Registered Telegraphic Addresses ]929. (Business Directories, Ltd. 45s.)-.---Who's Who in Art. (Art Trade Press, Ltd. 21s.)-British Empire Universities Yearbook, 1929. (G. Bell and Sons. 7s. 6d.) India in 1927-28. By J. Coatman. (Government of India Central Publication Branch. 48. 6d.)-7---; Kelly's Royal Blue Book, Court and Parliamentary 'Guide; 1929. (Kelly's Directories: 7s. 6d.)-Kelly's Post Office London Directory, 1929. (Kelly's Directories. 55s.) MISCELLANEOUS :-First and Last Things. - By H. .G.: Wells. Education. By H. Spencer. The Riddle of the Universe. By E. Haeekel. Humanity's Gain from Unbelief. By C. Bradlaugh. (Watts and Co. ls. 'each.) Gatilace ? By E. B. Powley. (Kegan Paul: 2s. 6d.)--;-The' Unemployed. By R. C. Davison. (Long- mans, Green and Co. 10s. 6d.)-The Great Trans- Pacific Flight. By C. E. Kingsford-Smith and C. T. P. Ulm. (Hutchinson. 12s. 6d.)-Ladies in the Rough. By G. Collett. (Knopf. 6s.)-The Indian States and Ruling Princes. By Sir S. Low.-Energy. By Sir Oliver Lodge. A History of Music. By P. C. Buck. Fungi. By-- J. -Rannsbottom. ' The Inquisition. By G. G. C-oulton. The Study of Birds. By E. M. Nicholson. (Benn's Sixpenny Library.) BIOGRAPHLES :-The Tempestuous Prince. By E. M. Butler.
(Longman. 12s. 6d.) The Life of a- Sea Officer. By
J. Baron de Raigersfeld. (Cassells. 10s. 6d.)
Memoirs of a Revolutionist. By Vera Figner. (Martin Lawrence. 7s. .6d.)-Great* Short Biographies of the World. (Heinemann. 8s. 6d.) Jefferson Friend of France. By Meade Minnigerode. (Putnam. 21s.) TRAVEL AND HISTORY :-Sotne Italian Scenes and Festivals.
By T. Ashby. (Methuen. Os.) Where it all comes true in Italy and Switzerland. By C. E. Laughlin. (Methuen.
7s. 6d.) The Story of Virginia's First Century. By M. N. Stanard. (Lippincott. 21s.)-Manor Houses. and Historic Homes of Long Island and Staten Island: By H. D. Eberlein. (Lippincott. -ta.) The Story of the Four. Toubts: R.y Ysabel Dewitte. -(John Hamilton: 10s: .6d.)-in Jain. By J. C. Van Dyke. (Scribners. 8s. 6d.)