2 MARCH 1929, Page 51


In the Financial Supplement there will be found a very interesting article dealing with ten years of progress in the activities of Building Societies. During the past week there has appeared the fifty-fourth annual Report of the Abbey Road Building Society, and this shows that this particular Society, of which Sir Josiah Stamp is the President, and Mr. Harold Bellman is the General Manager and Secretary, has made further strides during the past year. The share capital has increased during the year by £4,381,000, while no less than £4,456,000 was advanced on mortgage securities. The total assets now amount to £12,584,698, being a 50 per cent. increase on the corresponding 1927 figures. A sum of 2110,583 is transferred

to Reserve Funds. the " Abbey' Road " has now reached the position of . being the second largest. building society in the world. I notice that the Rt. Hon. William Graham has become associated with the Society as one of its trustees.