Ministers and the Marchers Mr. MacDonald appealed to precedent in
endeavouring to justify his refusal to receive representatives of the unemployed marchers. He would have made a far better impression if he had realized that this was just the occasion to depart from precedent, and to seize the opportunity as head of a National Government to express the undoubted sentiment of the nation. The men who took part in this year's march (unlike their pre- decessors) behaved with exemplary self-control, and there has been neither disorder nor threat of disorder. No Government can receive a deputation under threats. But there were none ; and that being so, at this time when unemployment is, or should be, in the minds of everyone, it was specially desirable, as Sir Herbert Samuel pointed out, that Ministers should show a spirit of friendship and goodwill. Such an action would have revealed in the Government a consciousness of strength. It would have been no justification of the views of the organisers or admission of the efficacy of their methods. It would have been a gesture on the part of the Prime Minister showing that he, too, shares the sentiment which has moved so many people, in many parts of the country, to show kindness to these unfortunate men on the road. *