2 MARCH 1934, Page 20


SIR, —I note the reference to St. David's House in the article " Juveniles and Jobs " in a recent issue. The article states that St. David's House is unique in being the only hostel in London solely for transferred juveniles. But, unfortunately, it is likely soon to end, and the closure of the place can be attributed to the Ministry of Labour itself !

The body responsible for the hostel intended to make a private appeal for funds wherewith to continue, and sought -. an expression of opinion from the Minister as to the value of their hostel to the Transference Scheme. The Committee's letter was not answered for six weeks, and only then after reminder, and when received was found so coldly official as to be thoroughly disheartening. The letter was not critical at all, but in essence careless of what happened to the hostel.

As a result, the majority of the 40 boys now at St. David's house will, I anticipate, have to be re-transferred to their homes because they arc not earning enough to afford lodgings and hostel accommodation elsewhere near their places of work is limited and perhaps unfriendly to these " aliens " in London. It all seems a great waste of effort and is certainly hurtful to the juveniles.—I am, Sir, &c.,