Lord Ty-rrell's resignation of the Paris Embassy was not unexpected
to those who knew how precarious his health has been for the past year, though the announce- ment has conic a little • earlier than was looked for. Lord. Tyrrell has unquestionably been a conspicuous success at Paris, for his a priori sympathy for the French point of view, which he shared with Sir Austen Chamber-. lain, enabled him to exercise a considerable influence, at the Quai D'Orsay. His critics, of course, would put the matter in the other way, and say that he reflected the French point of view far too much, but I think they arc wrong. His long experience at the Foreign Office gave him a wide outlook . and _an observer with special opportunities for judging has called him, like Briand, " a great European." He has certainly worked ceas- lessly and -effectively_ to keep. this country and France from drifting -apart over disarmament. Sir George Clerk, who is to succeed, after a very brief tenure of the Embassy at Brussels, is of a different type, the official diplomat de carri4re„ but with a distinctly less marked personality than his predecessor. His pro- fessional competence is well proved.
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