Many hard things have been said about propaganda, but when
it takes the form of mutual laudation, as is to be its role henceforward as between Germany and Poland, the mouth Of the critic is as it were stopped 'with honey. Nothing, so far as it goes, could be better than the resolve of the two countries to use the publicity agencies com- manded by their' governments (which means in effect all publicity agencies) for speaking well of one another and promoting rintlal understanding. If that practice were extended world peace would soon be placed on a solid basis. But the extension might begin at home. If Germany went on to sing the praises of Dr. Dollfuss and his governnient, and Poland to say all the good it could of Lithuania, belief in the value and sincerity of the new move would be immensely stimulated. At the moment apparently Germany is to radiate balm to the cast and venom to the south-cast.