Sir: I was deeply shocked to hear (read) that the British Telecom is going to replace all the red-telephone-boxes by new yellow and 'modern' ones ('Save the telephone box,' Gavin Stamp, 9 February). I'm an 'angelophil Person', now and then I come to England to enjoy everything that is real 'British', the red telephone boxes as well. Sometimes I bring my wife and children with me if I'd saved enough money the year before, and they enjoy everything typical British, the red telephone boxes extraordinaryly (they make telephone calls to their grandma and to their class-mates etc!). England won't be interesting to us, and to the other angelophil people, e.g. mil- lions of tourists, anymore if there is no- thing typical British left!! To maintain the 'old Britannia' is the best TOURISTIC INVESTMENT any government in Britain may 'commit'.
B. Parsa-Nejad
Beintweg 52, D 6906 Leimen, Heidelberg