Pat answer
The European Commission has come up with a new initiative which displays all the economy, originality, compassion and wit so characteristic of our Common Agri- cultural Policy. It proposes to give 900 tonnes of surplus Community butter to the people of West Berlin — free. The opera- tion will cost the Community a mere 020,000. It will clear the warehouses for a new influx of surplus butter next year, thus guaranteeing the comfort of many thousands of French and German farmers, and their families — and what could be more vital than this? Above all, the choice of recipients is inspired: those impover- ished, starving West Berliners whose suf- fering we have lived through nightly on our television screens — old men, barely able to stagger out of the bank, mothers, with nothing but what they can carry in the boot of their Mercedes — such a dramatic contrast to the superabundance of Ethiopia. Now it only remains for the Commissioners to distribute the surplus wine, on the same principle, to themselves.