2 MAY 1840, Page 13


Narrati%e of a Whaling Voytio■t. round tli‘± Globe, from the Tear 1833 to 1836: Porn. him ii t lit i otto it Califurnia, the Indian Arehipela;o, With an Aceaaat ii Switin.rn Whal,-1, i Sportn•Witale Fishery, and th, Natural History or Ile: Clint As's. Vt.,Itt.d. By Debe/1 Bennett, Esq., &c.In 2 col,;. Bentley. Cot,t, it. Goviintrient for Co. R;d9way.

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Ito at Ih.nry MtItm. In 3 N 011irier.