2 MAY 1840, Page 2

Debates anb otctbInq in Vat'lament.


When the Commons met on Wednesday, Sir CHARLES LEMON re- ported the decision of the Cambridge Election Committee, declaring the election of Mr. Manners Sutton to be void; that neither the petition or the opposition to it were frivolous or vexatious; that Mr. Sutton had, by his agents, been guilty of bribery and treating; and that an ex, tensive and corrupt systent of treating prevailed on the part of many in- fluential members of' the constituency of Cambridge.

On the motion of Mr. WARBURTON, the report of the evidence before the Committee was brought up and ordered to be printed.

Sir JOHN WALstt asked Sir Charles Lemon whether be meant to move for a new writ for Cambridge?

Sir CHARLES LEMON had no such intention.

Sir 3011 N WA I.,i wished to do nothing against esablislied precedent, but as a memb,..r of the Committee, he must state his decided opinion, that whenever the evidence should be printed and placed ill the hands of Members, it would clearly appear that there was no ground or ease whatever for :WV general measure of severity against the borough of Cambrid:o.. It appeared to hint, that by suspending the writ, the borough was to a certain degree punished. (Criex ty' " brder, mkt. !") The St.t:Axml thoti:2ht Sit: John Walsh must see the inconvenience at the present time of making observations which might lead to a dis- cussion, Lord Jolts RUSSELL hoped it would he understood now, as in the Ludlow case, that any Member who thought it right to move for a new

writ should notice of his motion.


.1r. WILLIAM CLA DSTONE referred to a statement in the newspapers, that certain British suljeets had been tried and sentenced in Canton to a term of' imprisonment in this country on a charge of being; implicated in the death of a Chinese. It was said that these prisoners could not be legally detained, and that they had been discharged by an order front the IIottuut Office, issued in conformity vvith the opinion of the Law Officers (It. the Crown. Would Mr. Fox Mottle say whether this statement was correct ?

31r. Mxtla.: replied—

it was pa.b.etly. true that the five seamen in question had been tried in

China Oa by Mr. Elliot, and bad been scrammed to a cer- tain ti rot of imprimrinient. Upon that being reported to the Government, the opiiMoi the! 1.:0V Offie,:rs of the Crown was taken by the Secretary lbr

Foreign Atiiiiits i, e tl.e solject. The Law ()dicers plc(' it is their that it Oat ma .1;.i dimr that tho court eansituted by :\ir..Eiliot could sen-

tence the se 1. Le imprisoned in Em.dish prisons ; and upon the

reran:am:toted that as soon as the yolks arrived in thie country

they t at liberty. Tloy arrived by. the Diana a few days a7.07 anti in conse.in.;.e.: of that opili'arti they were liberated immediately upou their ar- rival.

1V.t ft WITH NAHA:3.

Lord MAHON wished Lord John Russell to state whether Government had rce-tiv.,,1 1!-:!1:11igOnee that hostilities with Naples bad actually corop..erice.1: N 'Iv:: to -Intr. :AL:et had arrived in town.

1.6rd Jot IN •Eu, was not aware that such accounts had been re- ceived. V.Then ii tiNe Lord Pahnerston two hours ago, no news of the

hind haul Fins inn Office.


Sir EARDLEY moved the further consideration of the report upon this bill.

Mr. Bxnxtase moved an amendment to postpone the further con- Sideratirat for six months.

Mr. Pevms: ztrel Mr. Dannv supported the amendment. The Howie divide,!; and agreed to proceed with the bill by a majority of 70 to 20.

It was agreed to exclude " misdemeanours " from the hill, and confine its operation to thefts.

Shortly afterwards the House was " counted out."


In tied Hous,t of Loris, on Thursday, the Earl of ABERDEEN gave notice, that on 'f tte.iday text lie would introduce a bill to remove doubts respectihg the adinis,ioa tI miaisters into benefices in Seotland. As it MRS imssille he should delay the farther progress of the bill for some time, he would state its nature and chief provisions on introducing it.


The Marquis of WESTMEATH called Lord :Melbourne's attention to the political agitation, of' unitsoal intensity, now carried on in Ireland

by Mr. O'Connell ; who had froptently boasted that a high legal office

had 1)(:(:n ott:rol to him, aod he had never been contradicted by any ineint,cr of her ALj1:-.* V., Go vernmettt___.

That gentleman took upon himself to call to account every Member of the Bowie of Commons who did not choose to follow in his woke in that blind sup- port of the Gi v. reoro,nt, v.itItoot whiell, as everybody knew, Government could not exist tivo minutes. Ile felt called upon to ask the noble Viscount whether he would OVO'.'," the confederation which existed between hirn 111111 the honourable gentleroate : and whether, in contiamity with the oath which he, in CO:TWO/11 with every miler Peer of that House Inel taken, he had told Ili; Sovci•

reign what be the effect of repealing the Union upon the empire at lar.ce, and what would lie the etteet of the present agitation upon Ireland itself ? Ille

wished to the nohle Vii,eratot whether the Law Officers of the Crown had been instructed to attend thamc meetings, either themselves or by their agents, for the pirp,,H.: prosec:utions with respeet to (Item? 'rhos, meet- ings had /1,1..,11: it P. take place, in the Irish papers; and, thereMre, it

was impoi,idde for Majesty's Government to say they were not aware of them.

Lord Me, utuceic RN it replied— He Wai quite a-vare of the system of agitation which the noble Marqii is said Lad lately commenced in Jrdand. That agitation was rertitinly not new—it WWI Sri tsyhtt,t/i of agitation newly revived; and it Si as not quite so iliteme as it had been on former occasions. With respeet to the question, whether lie disapprosaal of it or riot, he had only to say that lie had always disapproved of proceedings of a similar nature. With respect to the confederation to which the noiiie Mar(pris had referred, as there existed no such confederation, there could he no ititention of continuing that which did not exist. With respect to the a/tyke that had been given to her Majesty on the subject, that wits a question an which he could not give a specific Or precise titlaWtr. Lord 1VESTMEATH said, it was only necessary to refer to tl le news. papers to see that the confederation alluded-to did exist.

Lord HOLLAND called Lord Westmeath to order—it wait most Is. orderly to refer to newspapers in that House.

Lord WESTMEATH said, if he were a member of the Government],