Eitcourt, M.P., has sold his beautiful s e at, New Park, near
lees, to Mr. Colston, for 50,000/. A meeting of' great importance in the annals of agricultural local inn provernent was held at Peterborough on the 23d April, and was at- tended by all the principal persons in the neighbourhood; Lord Fitz- William being in the chair. The object was to improve the navigation of the River '..Nene from the sea to Peterborough, so as to render that place an inlmia .:eaport, connecting itself with the towns of Northamp• Iota, Leicest,er, Market ilarborough, Stamford, &c. ; and at the same time to drain lifty thousand acres of' valuable and fertile fens, to lay they Whittb:sea Mcre, and to carry. lines of road through the country mfl tended to be drained, whereby the distance between London and Hull may he dimieisleel ten miles and upwards. Resolutions were adopted the teeetine ldgiily fityourable to the promotion of these valuable ' . j Chow icie. plalit..'loc.., in the utiebbourhood of Ascot and Bagshot eitties have lee wilfully tee on lire. One, belonging to MI's. Forbes of Senning liiil, was fired three times last week. 'icier is selling front 5/. to la the hogshead, more thau double the usual price.— II 'oeuesier ..Therred.