The Lancaster Guardian contains an account of a meetin g of
thy Lancaster Protestant Association, held on the 21st ultimo, at whiej those zealous foes to Popery the Reverend Messrs. Stowell and M'Nee figured as the principal orators. Mr. Stowell warned all true Protest! ants against placing confidence in Sir Robert Peel- . When they saw such a statesman as Sir Robert Peel glorying in his Tern shame, avowing that he regarded the share which he took mu the lassoing of Catholic Bill as the most 'glorious act of his life, though he passed that -act the the face of his own recorded convictions, what could they think? Sir Robert had often before stated that no liberty ought to be granted to the Catholic. for the stability of the constitution was incompatible with it ; and yet, in der;. once of that declaration, he had bent down at the side of expediency, ler himself, he would never so betray his trust. They must trust in thenisehea. The Christian public could not again put the ark of God in the keeping of Sit Robert Peel; and they must never rest satisfied till they had obtained the to peal of the Etnancieation Act." Mr. MeNvile declared, in the following not very intelligible passage, that emissaries of Rome had insinuated themselves into the manage. ment of Conservative newspapers- " When Cramer and Calvin were carrying on a correspondence for uniting the Reformed Churches of England and bonen, certain emissaries of Roin passed themselves off as Dissenting ministers, and broke off the negotiationshy representing the people of England as denying infant baptism. They had their emissaries out now. Many had ,tot on Conservative papers in the capacity of editors. Compare the Conservative press with the other press, and it wolcldje seen how they trumpeted O'Connell. All he wanted was publicity, heated not for exposure. 1 he Popish press did not publish what was said against him. No speech from Mr. APGLiee or O'Sullivan, his friend Mr. Stowell, or their humble servant lihnself; ever appeared in their columns. They would see them all han,ged first. And why were the Conservative editors so soft; The College of Caudinals was at the bottom of all." A meeting was held in Leeds on the 20th April to protest against a grant of public money for Church-extension, and against the perseen- non of John Thorogood, for whom it was resolved to raise a subscrip. tion. The Chat-fists endeavoured to create a diversion by connecting Thorogood su lb Frost, Jones, Williams, and " other political offenders;" but they were put down by an overwhelming majority. The Leeds Time.i complains of the " lukewarmness of the Whigs" on Church questions. The truth is, that the Whigs and Tories are very much of one mind as respects the supremacy of timeChurch of England. A correspondent of the Leeds Times asks how it happens, that while the Leeds illircury writes against the Opium War, Mr. Baines votes for it in the House of' Commons?
Contested elections of Churchwardens and other parochial officers have occurred at Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Roth. dale, Cheltenham, Brighton, and Dover ; in all of which the Conserva- tives have been successful. If the Liberals have defeated their antago- nists in any place of importance, notice of their success has escaped our The Taunt..., Cymric?. announces the death of the distinguished naval architect Sir Robert Seppings, which took place at Taunton on Satur- day last. Sir Robert's age was seventy-two. Mr. Cockburn has been appointed Recorder of Southampton, and Mr. Rawlinson Recorder of Portsmouth, instead of Mr. Bingham, who eeeigned these two Recorderships on being made a Police Magistrate,