2 MAY 1840, Page 5
A pension of 3,:300/. per an: 11 ' 1‘11 Ci v il 1.1 , t.
death of Lord Cuillamore. of P.- ss-ssn. death of Lord Cuillamore. of P.- ss-ssn.
Government hay: sem -! •' r to proso.euto vertaia ' t. :Ito alleized ch.trge of 1m., We have heard thr.: the loo;-_. 75-. mo re-Ideme cf
Lord Orimmore, was 1.ornt," t.
The Sky) Chqi.lp: s:tys . 1 As aloe port (...f Sligo this year for America.
:everitl members LI: the lm,m. ' . .
Th,s sum already sebscribe 1 is . 7 th for the ereetion mt n)11 5111'm._ : the late Mr. Drumm sel, ex s fro:a the provinces.