2 MAY 1840, Page 6

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A correspondent of the Courier says that Prince George of Cam. bridge was particularly conspicuous in the omnibus-box at the Italian Opera on Thursday ; and great in the application of " Humbug!" " Gammon !" " Cockadoodle-doo !" and other epithets of equal force. as the appropriate answer to the Manager's mystification.

A second Conservative Club, a sort of Junior to the Carlton, is ia contemplation.

Mr. Russell is to be the Advocate-General for Sierra Leone.

It was reported in Paris on Wednesday that Lord Granville wet seriously indisposed. The Duke of Cleveland, Mr. Cayley, and Mr. Crawford, all Members of Parliament, are seriously ill. 'Fite Countess of Burlington, Lord Carlisle's daughter, died on Monday, The Earl of Ranfurly died in Paris on Sunday, at the advanced age of eighty-six. Mr. Edward Ellice is in Paris, and in constant communication with the French Premier, M. Thiers.