2 MAY 1840, Page 6

On Wednesday, orders vo-ere reeeived at the Royal Dock-yard, Wool-

to lay tlewn a large tiiiiety-gun ship, and the operations for her building to be heeteweeely eonimenced. A futIrleen-guit brig, called the Siren, will be launchu d in the course of' the cusiting itimoll. Last Saturtley, this of .Miisto visited the Doek-yard, itt company with several scientific gentlemen, end inspected the line-of-battle slap the Trafalgar, 120 gnus, which is nearly reiely to be launched. She is said to be ties largest in the Briti-'11 Navy. Ihnisig last week Ito fewer than 7,000 persous iv eat en la tend and inspected the ship.—.11/ornino (hi stuck.

Captain Berkeley it. abont to proceed in the. 'Fliunderer, 84 gluts, to Lisloni and the 'Alediterranean.

l'he Pique, :ea Ceptain Boxer, has left Spithead for Cronstadt, to await the arrival there of' this :\larquis of •Lierietiole from St. Peters- burg:, and to land hint at Sheerness His 1.ortlehip comes to England to recruit hie health.-- /Ira/hoot ( :tile.

A very pretty isilmoner, the Vixen, is now lying in the Salthouse Dock, 1.iver1ool. Site nicastires •It: tons; and when captured, no less than 1120 :laves v.;,ro fottnil on board.- -Lireyoof A letter itt the ,lbeenaty //erad, from 'alessrs. Forster and Smith, of New City Chain's, es supplies att extreet from I he shipping-list of the Paris tanomeece, efildinlling a statement med., severe then denied ill the ['retch journals, that the l'rettelt ulatilitteteckisirra■gtion,gholliti a slave trade ie A Iritet under pretence a ihlhislitug Negro soldiers, Ile

following is lite troet front tin.. French toyer-- " tit topliihi Cadvaeli commanding the I 'lenience et :tulle, arrived


Iii,' Loire, from ti,•11,',11. • ,\t, u a 11,1,11tion of two months in the roads, I. fvoin :or o on Ibis 8111 F,I.ruarv lost. Th, Sen,oinhi.. had ar- riv, 1 il,cro oili a cargo of 1 ,",vorteil ha IA and 1,3 C114411' ,1.11” Negrov, aro migofs.'d Or fomt-vcii years, and are ■'.e,dined

for I 'ay WIlvta• I hisy ore to 1,.. ha:1111.d lilt call111:111iii of' Pioneer,'" :11c‘srs. For-4er and Solith state tiro, in fact,

" The, II,Pr ,s are slaves puichasol by Signior CIO:1110, Iti:•;MIO, Olt ly tinder the Satins eitetion-taures, 50 that 110,1 by Samos' is lomon 10 supply Spahkh Whi 11, has the opportunity ; HMI t rug:1,11 '1"1111' altog,ther and all,-o:11. The pr,1,11.1,[1 eitgagelocitt for fourteen

I- It mere Intiel,ery iliteilded (Aoki, the real tutitire. ut Ilic trttlitactIon.

A I all evelitS, may be the l'ate (0 till,. Negroes in Cut Hole, due effect of buying tool ..,11ing /twat loll I ht. cul-t of frien is in every way as injurious Ii the moral tool civil w1dfare Of that, I'Milltry 118 the piarrlinhes made by the,. Spaniards awl l'orttigio,c, whiell we ore employing nearly t wetly .111110 tiar at this 1/11/Illellt to prevent, at it cost of tttttt ley untl life whiell it is fearful to think of."


ig I hare, however, very recently cc- This is incorrect as far as I am (tired front the Commissioners (for concerned. I never toads any appli- the Colonization of South Australia) cation whatever to Lord John Russell 3 request that salaries may be assigned for a salary.

(lion «11."

" Oil the other hand, it is impossi- Incorrect again. No complaint was ble that her Majesty's Government ever made by me, nor do I believe by amid insist upon gratuitous services my late colleagues, that the duties of this nature, which have become bur- were burdensome. We all 1i:it grafi- demonic to those fruits whom they have tiA at the great success which Inol

hitherto been received." attended our arrangements for the Colonization of Sauth

When our opltdons were sought by Lord GIL:twig, ia January 1;S:t7, as to the cliibilitYa small remuneration being offered to those who atteadtd the Dm:dal:1- the puipose esf preventing the whole management of 1:,e colony RUM:, Mt., the hands ot one or two members, we gave our opinions candidly and bone-Cy,

"A. board of iliac Commissioners is far too numerous for the effective dk- charge of IL, duties conk:led to this

la George Palmer, M.P., has addressed a letter to the Times, cor- recting some misstatements in Lord John Russell's letter to the Lords ofthe 'freasury, announcing that the South Australian Commission, f Well Mr. Palmer was a member, had been dissolved, Lord John's li)rectpteterdwhil)si the morning papers. It be seen that Mr. Palmer effect- published this week with the Miscellaneous Estimates, and

of some of the Colonial Secretary's allegations. oily disposes 1Vould the three present salaricd. Commissioners, unaided by the lato distni“ed!rentlettien,liare been abl, to

body; 4i; would be much more nil ,..e the In rd s required. hy the act of cerieeh; 4 0:.-1 , xe ewe (1 by the smallest 1 b

_hinatinent iti Itaai, viz. 35a as.q. be number ,a,..::: :1( d lay l'arlianictit, that the sale of land-orders, and s0,1,0.1/.,

if three Coattidsiuttels." by a loan secured upon the future rev,- Mies of the colony about to be planted be them: If three Commissioners are a more 1.,./tr,niettt nronlJer tient nine fo.r the trtra.etion of business, why not then reduee the Ea::t India I/in:J.:tors to that 1::' .,r; ‘In my opinion the larger number secures a fair and just

admit:- , .•.0: ' .. , ,, ::,, ,; ,..

"I le. •; ,•-. is Itliae, to revoke the Lord John lists .51 lieu al r,

Ci)linl:..-. ' : ,,,..., existing South Aims- so, Ity his letter a:l lr, s-sc..1 to the cocci_

tralian (. :.-•: •'.-i:ut," nib:shalt:us on the ied.1 a I

is:19, in eel..11. I. 7 ,H.I.l•.. ;,.. ..; ..•11V S- "1 can:. ,• e onr orliCial COUrICXion without rc itir-iiL!!. y•:11 t, ,...),i t my de:Ire-at, of the ebit'ity with which yuar duti:s ;.,. !.1. :,.' tr:, it the Ana:. 'cat:Hake' have been (lbelotreed.- And this, r to it LI: p.,1- leg to : : :- . :lea , .at d from the Coloni.:10diee to time C'ommissi , 1 , 1. 13th o. ' i --...•. stating that Lor 1 Jolla lins,c11 was gone ..‘r s.0,•.] ...- ef toiit. :• i n. ,•1.1 I., , :.. turn until the ;:..1 of dal:nary_ so as to 1,.....•...l.a. to

grant .:: ' . I teterview.

1! • Iliaigcation- C'an Lord .Tolin -1■11-',..:: '..••!!..'r ,..2.,... agent,. . ....: I (at,: ainolt .1. us- :,:iti,j'.e ilistaiwe ot. t:-- I : '

tralial: ; -...r-) :::ittually iii,o curred?

againi -. ,,r t,..e prive of ships

cmpl••:.. : a1oul:L:1%11as."

- I 1. '. the prop,,c.1 Is this probable, 1., '...,... it.% e C ,.:-.- roil..,•ii.......i ■:', o::......-- V.ollid l'alher missioners hare le ti .'

dilllini-il timn increase the actual ex- salarks of 1.000/. p •i- : o am (.0.0,,

lera1..:,:•...- and an ( 'If, S....rete,-(.. v, 1, :.: • ■ose, abort .-0'.1. p. I lia.-e 1• hiamw: to be, Sir, your obe:lhent ,-..Qrvant.

(; t,)1..1: PA 1.......1: ::

i(l. ',..: • '..,:7•, Pi.'•.(.1.`, 1i.:1;JaVi! SI111:11•0, :‘.. lilt April .1 .•• 1r'.

Mr. :1.;.:1,iltlion and Mr. 'fun, as the reeler ara;.- ree• ;dee:. al -at :lei that Ile:, bed applied for salaries.