Adelaide newspapaes to the 11th of December have been received
by way of Ceylon.
The 't: a' site:gest:1 that the money subscribed for a monument to the late l'oleeel Light should be applied to the erec- tion of atier either at Ci:se:e1gce :sort Adelaide.
The same paper nicetiena ti et a South Australian insurance-com- pany was at out to I e a capital of 130,o00l., to be raised in 3,000 shares of 30/. each.
A comeouy bes been formed u'e the purpose of constructing a pier and erecti•.o erelmus. :It Gnat L. In the first instance. the capioil of the comiesay st in shares of ten pounds eacit : but such was i1o; sleares, the: the Investors were enabled to in- crease fa :row. 2,■•;',1/. :;) 3,0001.
The foiled...doe ihe Coeeeene..iionel Church was laid on the nth December, be 1: • Perot. tut T, en Stow. Messrs. East and
Breeze are :Ile eXpk...:e of 2.6301. The building
is to be eceema on ti u;.1 g.:..0:-ously given by Mr. Brown, and is to be con:I:end by the I.-th Jan-: It340.
The .1.,rt L'. ...'/. now 7;',:o2a at Port Lincoln,
boasts that the VeSei lutit in the c had be,m launched at that seotlement. ale said N it.sel is to be a regular trader to Adelaide, and her levaden is ...lam: thirty tons.