Mr. Winston Churchill has been chosen as their candidate by
the Liberal organisation at Dundee, and has begun his campaign in that city. He is opposed by a strong local Unionist, and also by a popular member of the Labour Party. Those who know Dundee state that it is quite possible thathe may again be defeated. We sincerely trust that he may, and that another warning may thus be given to the Government in regard to their threatened betrayal of the Free-trade cause. Should the old-age-pensions, pro-Sugar-tax, Socialism-and-water, and, after Sir John Brunner's speech, we must add the Government- protection-of-trade candidate be again defeated, it would almost certainly become necessary for the Ministry to re- consider their position and to draw up, even on the edge of the precipice. Our advice, therefore, to Unionist Free-traders in Dundee is in no case to vote for Mr. Winston Churchill, but to abstain, unless they can obtain from the Unionist candidate a statement that during the present Parliament he will do nothing to commit the country to the policy of Protection.